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11 June 2024 | Op-ed
Op-ed by José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Executive Secretary of ECLAC.
23 September 2022 | Op-ed
By Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN High-Level Climate Change Champion for COP27 and Mario Cimoli, Acting Executive Secretary of ECLAC.
24 September 2021 | Op-ed
In a joint statement, the Executive Secretaries of the United Nations Regional Commissions have called for enhanced regional cooperation to develop nature-based and technological solutions for capturing CO2 emissions from the atmosphere and ensuring its long-term storage.
4 June 2019 | Statement
"On World Environment Day, I ask each of us to act so we can breathe more easily.  From pressuring politicians and businesses to changing our own habits, we can reduce pollution and beat climate change," United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres says in his message.
13 July 2018 | Op-ed
Op-ed by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, about the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2018 (HLPF).
22 April 2016 | Statement
The Paris Agreement on Climate Change, in conjunction with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, holds the power to transform our world, Ban Ki-moon says.
15 de April de 2016 | Op-ed
Columna de opinión de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, publicada en el marco de la reunión anual del Foro Económico Mundial (enero 2016).
15 December 2015 | Op-ed
Op-ed by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC (December 2015).
17 June 2015 | Statement
"In 10 years, two out of every three people in the world could be living under stressed water conditions", UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warns.
5 June 2015 | Statement
"Many of the Earth’s ecosystems are nearing critical tipping points. It is time for us to change", United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in his message.
7 May 2015 | Op-ed
Op-ed by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, published on the WEF Blog (May 2015).
22 April 2015 | Statement
"This can be the year our children and grandchildren will remember as when we chose to build a sustainable and resilient future – both for Mother Earth and all those that development has until now left behind. Let us seize this historic opportunity together", Ban Ki-moon says.
22 March 2015 | Statement
“Some 750 million people -- more than one in ten of the world’s population -- remain without access to an improved water supply”, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in this annual message.
21 March 2015 | Statement
"Sustaining healthy forests and mitigating and adapting to climate change are two sides of the same coin", United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in this annual message.
20 March 2015 | Statement
"Happiness for the entire human family is one of the main goals of the United Nations", the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in his message.
13 October 2014 | Statement
"This year's commemoration of the International Day for Disaster Reduction is an opportunity to recognize the role of older men and women in fostering resilience", the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in his message.
9 August 2014 | Statement
"The interests of the indigenous peoples must be part of the new development agenda in order for it to succeed", says the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon.
17 de June de 2014 | Statement
Necesitamos administrar la tierra de manera sostenible, evitar que siga degradándose y recuperar la que ha sido dañada, dice Ban Ki-moon, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas.
5 de June de 2014 | Statement
Este año, insto a todos a pensar en la difícil situación de los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo e inspirarse en sus esfuerzos para hacer frente al cambio climático, fortalecer la resiliencia y trabajar para lograr un futuro sostenible, dice Ban Ki-moon, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas.
22 de April de 2014 | Statement
"A medida que crece nuestra población, debemos reconocer que nuestro consumo de los recursos del planeta es insostenible", dice en su mensaje el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-moon.