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21 April 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC released new growth projections for Latin American and Caribbean countries. It underscores that in the medium term, this crisis will provoke structural changes in the organization of production, international trade, and the current globalization model.
Portada documento CEPAL-FIDA
18 March 2020 | News
A new publication edited by ECLAC-Mexico stresses the need for policies that foster a structural change in activities in the rural setting.
Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, durante su presentación.
6 February 2020 | News
The Executive Secretary of the United Nations regional commission, Alicia Bárcena, gave a lecture in Rome, Italy, in the framework of an event organized by the Italo-Latin American Institute.
5 February 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated today in the forum on New Forms of Solidarity, organized by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, in which Pope Francis was the main speaker.
Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, durante su presentación.
3 de February de 2020 | News
La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL participó en el XV Foro de Análisis de la Economía Latinoamericana que se celebró hoy en Madrid.
31 July 2019 | Press Release
ECLAC presents its Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting the importance of expanding fiscal space and reorienting investment, productivity and monetary policies to spur the economies of countries in the region.
Foto de la capacitación realizada a funcionarios de gobierno en Uruguay
17 June 2019 | News
The course drew the participation of officials from the offices of planning and evaluation of the Ministries of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Economy and Finance, Social Development and the Planning and Budget Office.
28 May 2019 | Press Release
In the framework of her visit to Germany, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, spoke at the Latin America-Caribbean Conference and met with authorities from several countries.
Jo Yung-joon, Director General para América Latina y el Caribe del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Corea (a la izquierda), y Raúl García-Buchaca, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto para Administración y Análisis de Programas de la CEPAL.
15 May 2019 | News
The delegation, led by Mr. Jo Yung-joon, Director General for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs, attended several activities at the Commission’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Mario Cimoli, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL, durante su presentación en la sede de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York
14 May 2019 | News
The organization’s Deputy Executive Secretary, Mario Cimoli, made a presentation on a high-level panel convened by the President of the UN General Assembly, in New York.
10 October 2018 | Press Release
At a high-level seminar in Buenos Aires, authorities and experts debated the challenges of MSMEs in the face of disruptive technology and global uncertainty.
Save the date seminario MIPYME
8 de October de 2018 | Announcement
Reunión se realizará en Buenos Aires el 10-11 de octubre organizada por la CEPAL, la Unión Europea y la Unión Industrial Argentina.
29 August 2018 | Press Release
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, presented the document “The Inefficiency of Inequality” during a keynote speech made at UNAM, in Mexico City.
27 June 2018 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary inaugurated a meeting today at which a joint document produced by the five United Nations regional commissions was presented.
Portada integración productiva Argentina-Brasil
25 June 2018 | News
The study was done in the framework of technical cooperation activities carried out jointly by the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) and the United Nations regional organization.
29 May 2018 | Press Release
During a visit to Paris, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in the International Economic Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean and in the OECD Forum 2018, among other events.
10 May 2018 | Press Release
Authorities spotlighted the proposal laid out in ECLAC’s document “The Inefficiency of Inequality,” which was presented today in Cuba by the organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.
6 May 2018 | Press Release
In the framework of its 37th session to be held in Cuba, ECLAC will present a new institutional document with its development proposal for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Banner social networks PSES 37
4 May 2018 | News
The invitation is to watch the live broadcast and to participate on the debates on social networks using hashtags #igualdadALC and #equalityLAC.
Banner PSES 37 ENG
3 May 2018 | Announcement
The UN regional commission’s most important biennial meeting will take place in Cuba.