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10 March 2017 | Press Release
Interactive tool provides references and data to assist research into ports, transport and logistics.
25 de October de 2016 | News
Organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas presentó una propuesta de clasificación fluvial para la región durante conferencia mundial en Río de Janeiro.
Foto de la frontera entre Haití y República Dominicana
24 de August de 2016 | News
Expertos del organismo de las Naciones Unidas ofrecieron asistencia técnica en materia de logística para el desarrollo sostenible e integración regional.
Foto de un pozo petrolero
21 June 2016 | News
ECLAC calls for a new governance of these resources so that the benefits of their exploitation can serve as a real contribution to the development of Latin America and the Caribbean.
(De derecha a izquierda) El Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL, Antonio Prado; la Alcaldesa de la comuna de Santiago, Carolina Tohá, y el Subsecretario de Transportes, Cristián Bowen.
3 de May de 2016 | News
Autoridades y expertos regionales abordaron en la CEPAL las medidas necesarias para la mejora del transporte y su relación con el desarrollo sostenible en la región.
2 de May de 2016 | Speech
Intervención de Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL.
29 de April de 2016 | Announcement
La reunión se realizará los días 2 y 3 de mayo en la sede de la CEPAL en Santiago de Chile.
4 de February de 2016 | News
Participaron más de 40 representantes de los sectores público y privado.
Foto de contenedores en un puerto
3 December 2015 | News
A new document by ECLAC gives orientation to countries in order to move towards greater integration.
11 November 2015 | Press Release
ECLAC and PAHO will analyze road safety progress and challenges during a global conference that will be held in Brasilia on November 18-19.
9 September 2015 | News
Organizations will host a side event during a global conference to be held in Brazil on November 18-19.
23 June 2015 | Infographic
ECLAC updates every year its ranking of container port throughput, which shows the cargo volume in containers in 120 ports of the region, based on data obtained directly from port authorities and terminal operators. In 2014 this activity grew 1.3%, with a total volume of approximately 47 million TEU. This infographic displays the first 20 ports of the ranking.
Foto de la inauguración del seminario
15 de June de 2015 | News
Autoridades y expertos de varios países asisten a reunión sobre transporte y política aérea en Santiago, Chile.
12 de June de 2015 | Announcement
Al evento asistirán autoridades aeronáuticas, representantes de organismos reguladores de las concesiones aeroportuarias, líneas aéreas y operadores aeroportuarios de varios países.
photo of a port
2 June 2014 | News
According to a recent study by ECLAC, the traffic of refrigerated containers has increased considerably in recent years, leading to higher energy consumption at terminals.
Calle con personas caminando y en bicicleta
1 October 2013 | News
The meeting will take place on 29 and 30 October in Santiago, Chile, and will bring together government officials and regional experts.
Photo of a highway with trucks and policemen
2 July 2013 | News
Crimes and thefts involving freight are commonplace on the roads and railways of Latin America. Mexico and Brazil are among the riskiest countries in the world in terms of incidents reported to the authorities.
14 November 2011 | Press Release
Ministers and experts will discuss the importance of transport services on the economies of the region.