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8 de November de 2023 | Press Release
En México el sector servicios contribuye al 58,2% del PIB y al 43,4% de los empleos. Expertos de Latinoamérica discuten en XII Conferencia REDLAS cómo digitalizar y aprovechar al sector de mayor crecimiento en el mundo.
29 October 2019 | Press Release
Annual report by ECLAC on the region’s foreign trade shows significant heterogeneity by subregion. Imports will decline 3.0% this year.
31 October 2018 | Press Release
ECLAC projects a 9.7% increase in the value of regional goods exports this year.
23 July 2018 | Press Release
During the 13th ministerial summit being held in Puerto Vallarta, the organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, also called for deepening the bloc’s relationship with Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore.
30 October 2017 | Press Release
The value of the region’s goods exports is seen rising 10% this year, leaving behind the negative performance of the 2012-2016 period.
20 February 2017 | Press Release
The subregion will continue to enjoy the highest growth rate in Latin America and the Caribbean, in spite of uncertain international conditions and a slowdown in private consumption and investment.
28 November 2016 | Press Release
In Guadalajara, ECLAC presented a study on trade opportunities and challenges for reducing inequality in both populations.
21 October 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC and the EU-LAC Foundation will present a new document during the next Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CELAC and the European Union, which will take place in Santo Domingo on October 24-26.
7 July 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary launched an initiative for an export platform in the region during meetings with businesspeople and government authorities in Berlin.
20 October 2015 | Press Release
Latin American and Caribbean exports will contract -14% in 2015, in a downward trend that has been intensifying in the last three years, according to a new report by ECLAC.