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Showing 1 to 20 of 162 results in 9 pages.
21 September 2024 | Press Release
The five Regional Commissions of the United Nations launched a new joint policy brief on intergenerational relations, during the Action Days of the Summit of the Future held in New York.
flyer evento
20 September 2024 | Announcement
ECLAC's Executive Secretary José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs will participate in this UNGA 79 High-Level Event.
23 de July de 2024 | Op-ed
Columna de opinión de José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
flyer event
10 June 2024 | Announcement
The event seeks to strengthen the design of public policies aimed at reducing inequality and achieving progress on inclusive social development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
17 April 2024 | Speech
Remarks by Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.
16 April 2024 | Press Release
The seventh meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development was inaugurated today with the presence of the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Amina Mohammed.
The Republic of Korea’s Ambassador in Chile and the ECLAC’s Executive Secretary
20 March 2024 | News
The Korean Ambassador in Chile, Kim Hak Jae, and the United Nations regional commission’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, met today at the organization’s main headquarters in Santiago.
18 de March de 2024 | Speech
Palabras de José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
18 March 2024 | Press Release
The renowned U.S. scholar was the ninth and final speaker to participate in the Keynote Lecture Series organized to commemorate the United Nations regional organization’s 75th anniversary.
Banner of the keynote lecture.
13 March 2024 | Announcement
The prominent U.S. scholar will give a talk on Monday, March 18, concluding the activities commemorating the United Nations regional organization’s 75th anniversary.
21 de February de 2024 | Press Release
Las autoridades, reunidas en Chile en la Ministerial de Educación Santiago 2024 a fines de enero, acordaron trabajar para recuperar lo perdido durante la pandemia y transformar los sistemas educativos. Subrayaron la importancia de un financiamiento sostenible, políticas innovadoras y estrategias inclusivas y resilientes para pasar del compromiso a la acción.
25 January 2024 | Press Release
The meeting, organized by the Ministry of Education of Chile (MINEDUC) and UNESCO, with the support of ECLAC, CAF, UNICEF and the World Bank, addresses the challenge of educational reactivation, the transformation of teaching, and financing. To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to have public policies to guarantee the right to education for 125 million students in the region.
Banner Ministerial Education ENG
18 January 2024 | Announcement
The meeting is convened by UNESCO and the Ministry of Education of Chile. It is co-organised with the CAF BANK, the World Bank, ECLAC and UNICEF.
Foto de participantes en el evento
12 December 2023 | News
The region’s poor performance in the PISA 2022 evaluation requires firm responses by countries to improve their education systems, according to the specialists at a hybrid event held at ECLAC.
30 November 2023 | Announcement
On Tuesday, December 12 at an event at ECLAC, the main results of the OECD's 2022 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) will be analyzed, along with the region’s educational outlook.
3 October 2023 | Infographic
Despite efforts, large gaps in access to the effective enjoyment of the right to education persist in Guatemala, particularly for rural populations and Indigenous peoples. The unprecedented educational crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has increased gaps, school dropout rates, learning losses, illiteracy and the slowdown in average schooling levels
29 de September de 2023 | Press Release
Nueva edición de la publicación destaca trabajos académicos sobre la urgencia de un acuerdo social de largo plazo en la región para lograr un crecimiento económico equitativo y con mayor inclusión social, los efectos de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el mercado laboral, y la relación de las evaluaciones de los alumnos con la productividad de la investigación universitaria, entre otros temas.
29 de September de 2023 | Fact sheet
Resumen del artículo publicado en Revista CEPAL N° 140, agosto de 2023. Autores: Rómulo A. Chumacero, Ricardo D. Paredes y Tomás Reyes.
Image of Tarja Halonen, former President of Finland
7 September 2023 | Announcement
The former President of Finland will give a keynote lecture on Tuesday, September 12 at the UN regional organization’s central headquarters, where she will be received by the Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.
19 de July de 2023 | Infographic
En esta infografía se examina en qué forma los avances en educación y salud son el resultado tanto de determinantes estructurales, que incluyen las capacidades del Estado, el gasto público y la estratificación social, como de determinantes intermedios, que engloban a individuos, familias, comunidades y sistemas de atención. A partir de ese marco conceptual se identifican las brechas que corresponden a desigualdades, ya sea entre países (horizontales) o entre grupos sociales o áreas en cada país (verticales), con base en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras y México.
