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3 de November de 2023 | Infographic
El valor de las exportaciones de bienes de América Latina y el Caribe caerá 2% en 2023, en un contexto de gran debilidad del comercio mundial, indicó la CEPAL al presentar un nuevo informe anual sobre el comportamiento del comercio exterior de la región. El informe Perspectivas del Comercio Internacional de América Latina y el Caribe, 2023. Cambios estructurales y tendencias en el comercio mundial y regional: retos y oportunidades, fue dado a conocer el jueves 2 de noviembre de 2023 en una conferencia de prensa encabezada por el Secretario Ejecutivo del organismo de las Naciones Unidas, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.
1 August 2023 | Infographic
We have the honour to invite you to the series of lectures by distinguished scholars to be held in 2023 and 2024 as part of the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of ECLAC.
15 de March de 2023 | Infographic
La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) es pionera en la evaluación de desastres en la región y desarrollo una metodología llamada DaLA. Conozca en esta infografía qué es, cómo funciona y para qué sirve a los países.
10 January 2023 | Infographic
A string of crises weakens global and regional trade. In 2022 regional exports of goods slowed down, but exports of services recovered strongly (45% January-June v/s 1% on the same period of 2021). This is mainly due to the reactivation of tourism, followed by “other services”, which include the so-called “modern services.”
3 April 2019 | Infographic
ECLAC updates every year its report of container port throughput, which shows the cargo volume in containers in the ports of the region, based on data obtained directly from port authorities and terminal operators. In 2018 this activity rose 7.7% in the 118 ports analyzed, with a total volume of approximately 53.2 million TEU. These three infographics show the cargo movement by port zone, the transhipment and the cargo movement in ports by country.
10 July 2018 | Infographic
The value of Latin American and Caribbean exports grew 12.8% in 2017 following four years of negative performance. This expansion was driven in large part by the recovery in prices of many of the products that compose the export basket of the region, together with greater demand in external markets.
2 May 2018 | Infographic
In 2018, ECLAC will hold its 37th session in Cuba, in which representatives from its 46 member-States and 13 associate members will debate the main challenges for implementing the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean.
5 January 2016 | Infographic
The triennium 2013-2015 is the worst in terms of the region's export performance in eight decades.
16 July 2015 | Infographic
For a second consecutive year, Latin America and the Caribbean had a negative foreign trade balance in 2014 of more than $30 billion dollars, according to official figures from year’s end compiled by ECLAC. The region’s exports decreased 2.1% from a year earlier, while imports fell 0.6%.
26 de May de 2015 | Infographic
Actividades Unidad de Comercio Internacional e Industria
11 December 2014 | Infographic
Latin America and the Caribbean is already suffering the effects of global warming. To make a product, export it, consume it and manage (or not) its waste generates greenhouse gases (GHG) that are measured by the so-called “carbon footprint.” Reducing this footprint can be an opportunity to make the region’s exports more competitive, especially food exports.
24 November 2014 | Infographic
Intra-regional trade in Latin America and the Caribbean remains at low levels: Only a fifth (19.2%) of exports are destined for other countries in the region. Furthermore, commodities deliveries continue to account for a large portion of the export basket. ECLAC thus proposes the creation of regional value chains to widen demand, foster intra-regional trade and diversify production.