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20 April 2018 | Press Release
With the Cartagena Declaration, approved at the end of the Sixth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society, the region agrees to the 2020 Digital Agenda to achieve sustainable development with equality.
18 April 2018 | Press Release
Sixth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society was inaugurated today in the city of Cartagena.
9 April 2018 | Press Release
OECD, ECLAC and CAF, with the cooperation of the European Commission, launched today in Brussels the Latin American Economic Outlook 2018 report.
26 March 2018 | Press Release
Authorities from various countries and international experts meet at ECLAC for the 30th Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy.
13 March 2018 | Press Release
The distinguished international expert gave a keynote lecture at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
4 March 2018 | Press Release
Delegates from the countries attending the ninth meeting of the Negotiating Committee on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration approved the final text in Costa Rica.
2 May 2017 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena received this important distinction from Mexico’s National Institute of Public Administration for her contribution “to strengthening the country’s prestige abroad.”
9 de December de 2015 | Press Release
Publicación académica del organismo incluye estudio sobre las variaciones de precios en la demanda por combustibles y sus implicaciones para la política pública y el desarrollo sostenible.
29 July 2015 | Press Release
Vitalizing investment is key to boosting growth and productivity in the region, ECLAC indicates in a new report.
9 March 2015 | Press Release
In the report Fiscal Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2015, the United Nations organization highlights that in the last 25 years, the external public debt has fallen from 70% to 16% of the region’s GDP.
13 February 2015 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena participated in two events at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM): a globalization debate and the Ricardo Torres Gaitán Lecture.
15 January 2015 | Press Release
Renowned French economist held a meeting with officials from the Commission and special guests.
24 September 2014 | Press Release
The United Nations organization hosts a seminar that brings together specialists in global trends from the United States, Europe, China and the Republic of Korea.
28 de July de 2014 | Press Release
Organismo de las Naciones Unidas lanzará su Estudio Económico de América Latina y el Caribe 2014.
6 de June de 2014 | Press Release
Reunión organizada por la CEPAL y el Gobierno de la Ciudad de México finalizó hoy con llamado a los gobiernos a incluir el cuidado de este grupo en los sistemas de protección social.
24 de April de 2014 | Press Release
Desde 1972, este organismo ha participado en la estimación de daños de más de 90 catástrofes que causaron la muerte de unas 310.000 personas y afectaron a otros 34 millones.
19 de February de 2014 | Press Release
La oferta de cursos para este año incorpora nuevas dimensiones como la planificación participativa y la prospectiva para el desarrollo.
9 de December de 2013 | Press Release
Documento será dado a conocer en conferencia de prensa el miércoles 11 de diciembre en Santiago, Chile.
30 November 2011 | Press Release
Ministers from 19 countries meet at ECLAC to examine women's economic autonomy and policies on time-use.
28 June 2004 | Press Release
Thirtieth Session. 28 June, 2004