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9 de December de 2016 | Press Release
Estudio es el primero en su tipo al presentar una nueva metodología en la agenda de cooperación para el desarrollo.
28 November 2016 | Press Release
In Guadalajara, ECLAC presented a study on trade opportunities and challenges for reducing inequality in both populations.
24 de November de 2016 | Press Release
Isabel de Saint Malo dictó una conferencia magistral en la sede de la CEPAL, donde fue recibida por el Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto del organismo regional, Antonio Prado.
7 de November de 2016 | Press Release
La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL participó en el Ciclo de Conversaciones Orlando Letelier, organizado por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, la CAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y la Secretaría General Iberoamericana.
7 de November de 2016 | Press Release
La Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo regional, Alicia Bárcena, envió una carta en la que manifestó su solidaridad con la familia y el pueblo de México.
26 October 2016 | Press Release
In the framework of the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CELAC and the European Union, which was held in Santo Domingo, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary called for harnessing complementarities among the two regions with a view to complying with the 2030 Agenda.
21 October 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC and the EU-LAC Foundation will present a new document during the next Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CELAC and the European Union, which will take place in Santo Domingo on October 24-26.
13 October 2016 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the United Nations body, opened the first high-level meeting of the OECD Regional Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean.
12 October 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC has updated its growth projections for the countries of the region.
14 September 2016 | Press Release
In the framework of the inauguration of the Latin American Conference on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary called on the region to plan investment and spending with sustainability.
12 September 2016 | Press Release
The second session of the Conference on Science, Innovation and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) of ECLAC was inaugurated today and will conclude on Tuesday, September 13.
12 September 2016 | Press Release
43.4% of all households were connected to the Internet in 2015, nearly doubling the figure from 2010, according to The State of Broadband 2016 report, which will be presented at the second meeting of the Conference on Science, Innovation and ICTs that begins today in Costa Rica.
30 August 2016 | Press Release
INFRALATAM presents figures from 15 of the region’s countries for the 2008-2013 period.
26 August 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary spoke at a meeting of Open Government Partnership in Mexico City.
12 August 2016 | Press Release
In the Dominican Republic, delegates from 22 Latin American and Caribbean countries closed the Fourth meeting of the negotiating committee on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.
9 August 2016 | Press Release
The fourth meeting of the negotiating committee on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development began today in the Dominican Republic.
26 July 2016 | Press Release
The UN organization presented today its 2016 annual economic report, in which it forecasts that the region will contract -0.8% this year.
22 July 2016 | Press Release
In New York, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary called for strengthening ecosystems of technology, innovation and data for compliance with the SDGs.
19 July 2016 | Press Release
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, presented in New York an initiative to create a Regional Centre for Governance of Natural Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean.
19 July 2016 | Press Release
The most senior ECLAC representative took part in the SDG Business Forum as part of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development being held in New York.