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4 March 2021 | Press Release
In a new annual report, ECLAC estimates that the total number of poor people rose to 209 million by the end of 2020, which is 22 million more people than in the previous year. In addition, it calls for creating a new welfare state.
28 November 2019 | Press Release
The economic commission noted that the upward trend for poverty in Latin America held firm and called for resuming the construction of comprehensive and universal social compacts, during the launch of its Social Panorama 2019 report today in Chile.
20 December 2017 | Press Release
In Mexico today ECLAC launched its report Social Panorama 2017, which includes an update to the methodology used to estimate monetary poverty in the region.
30 May 2017 | Press Release
This is a structural phenomenon that manifests itself via multiple vicious circuits, according to the Social Panorama 2016 annual report released today.
26 January 2015 | Press Release
Estimates show that 167 million people were poor in 2014, and 71 million of them suffered extreme poverty or indigence.
21 January 2015 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the regional United Nations organization, Alicia Bárcena, will show the evolution of the main social indicators in a press conference.
20 de January de 2014 | Press Release
Según el Panorama Fiscal 2014, de la CEPAL, el aumento de los ingresos fiscales de los países ha dado espacio para una mayor inversión y gasto social.
5 de December de 2013 | Press Release
Con datos proyectados al 2013, la pobreza estaría afectando a unos 164 millones de personas en la región, igual número que en 2012, consigna el estudio que aborda el fenómeno también desde una perspectiva multidimensional.