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28 August 2024 | Press Release
The twenty-third meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC was inaugurated today in Santiago, Chile.
Photo of the main panel
27 August 2024 | News
The event, held in the framework of the twenty-third meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, sought to contribute to planning and preparing the 2030 censuses.
Banner of meeting.
21 August 2024 | Announcement
The Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC will hold its twenty-third meeting on August 28-29, 2024 at the regional organization’s central headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, ECLAC's Executive Secretary, during his presentation.
29 July 2024 | News
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs represented the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, at Brazil’s National Conference of Data Producers and Users.
21 de February de 2024 | Press Release
Las autoridades, reunidas en Chile en la Ministerial de Educación Santiago 2024 a fines de enero, acordaron trabajar para recuperar lo perdido durante la pandemia y transformar los sistemas educativos. Subrayaron la importancia de un financiamiento sostenible, políticas innovadoras y estrategias inclusivas y resilientes para pasar del compromiso a la acción.
21 February 2024 | Press Release
The 2023 version of this document includes select indicators on the economic, social and environmental situation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
25 January 2024 | Press Release
The meeting, organized by the Ministry of Education of Chile (MINEDUC) and UNESCO, with the support of ECLAC, CAF, UNICEF and the World Bank, addresses the challenge of educational reactivation, the transformation of teaching, and financing. To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to have public policies to guarantee the right to education for 125 million students in the region.
23 November 2023 | Press Release
Despite this improvement in the indicators, more than 180 million people in the region do not have enough income to meet their basic needs and 70 million of them lack the income needed to acquire a basic food basket, the Commission warns in its report Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2023.
28 September 2023 | Press Release
At the end of the event, countries urged for generating and consolidating statistics and indicators on the environment, climate change and disasters.
Image of Portal of Inequalities in Latin America
25 September 2023 | News
The platform uses graphics to clearly visualize the existing gaps and texts that describe the construction of the indicators, their interpretation and the results they yield.
26 de September de 2023 | Speech
Palabras de José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
26 September 2023 | Press Release
The Twelfth Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas was inaugurated today at ECLAC’s main headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Image of the CEPALGEO portal
25 September 2023 | News
The portal presents geographic viewers, geoservices and links to ECLAC’s projects involving a territorial perspective on various social, economic and environmental issues.
Fotografía de los asistentes a la Conferencia. Sala Celso Furtado de la CEPAL.
25 September 2023 | News
Authorities from National Statistical Offices issued a statement in the framework of the 12th Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC.
Meeting banner.
22 September 2023 | News
The main panels at the meeting will be broadcast live on September 26-28, 2023. The invitation, on social media, is to participate in the debates using the hashtags #estadísticasALC and #statisticsLAC.
Meeting banner.
21 September 2023 | Announcement
This intergovernmental gathering will be held at the United Nations regional organization’s main headquarters in Santiago, Chile on September 26-28, 2023.
19 de July de 2023 | Infographic
Entre 1990 y 2019, la República Dominicana mostró avances en el combate a la pobreza y la desigualdad. Sin embargo, sus niveles actuales son altos si se comparan con países de similar desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe y en el mundo. En consecuencia, subsisten importantes brechas estructurales definidas como las diferentes expresiones de la desigualdad, amplias y persistentes, en diversas áreas y entre diferentes grupos de personas, que obstaculizan el desarrollo.
19 de July de 2023 | Infographic
En años recientes, la conceptualización de la pobreza ha experimentado una importante transformación conceptual y metodológica en tanto se trata de un fenómeno que afecta de múltiples maneras a las personas, y que trasciende a la mera insuficiencia de recursos económicos. A pesar de ello, no se ha presentado un desarrollo similar en la conceptualización y medición de la pobreza bajo una perspectiva de derechos humanos
19 de July de 2023 | Infographic
Entre 1990 y 2020, Guatemala mostró avances en el combate a la pobreza y la desigualdad, sin embargo subsisten importantes brechas estructurales, amplias y persistentes en diversas áreas sociales, económicas y territoriales. Además, la reciente pandemia generada por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) y sus variantes ocasionó una de las caídas económicas más profundas de los pasados 100 años, generando mayor pobreza y desigualdad.
19 de July de 2023 | Infographic
Esta infografía está dedicada a estudiar la potencialidad que tienen los registros administrativos para convertirse en una fuente de datos desagregados por origen étnico indígena, que sean confiables, periódicos y transparentes. La importancia de disponer de datos desglosados radica en que permitirían analizar con mayor profundidad las brechas de desigualdad que exhiben los pueblos indígenas, y trabajar por su erradicación