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20 June 2024 | Press Release
At the First Regional Conference of Parliamentary Committees of the Future, political representatives from various countries and experts from regional and international organizations shared experiences for increasing and improving capacities for legislative foresight and anticipatory governance.
20 de June de 2024 | Speech
Palabras de apertura de José Manuel Salazar Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo, CEPAL.
Foto oficial del Día Nacional
21 de October de 2022 | News
El Día Nacional, actividad preparatoria al 39º periodo de sesiones de la CEPAL, fue inaugurado hoy en el Palacio San Martín de Buenos Aires.
1 April 2022 | Press Release
The Argentine economist will replace Mexican diplomat Alicia Bárcena, who concluded her mandate on March 31 after nearly 14 years at the helm of ECLAC.
Photo of the opening panel of the SDG 2022 Business Forum.
8 March 2022 | News
The SDG Business Forum in Latin America and the Caribbean 2022 was held today in the framework of the Fifth Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development, which is taking place in San José, Costa Rica.
31 de August de 2020 | Press Release
Principal publicación académica del organismo incluye además artículos sobre política fiscal, industria manufacturera en México y la técnica de programación cepalina y los economistas en Argentina a mediados del siglo XX, entre otros temas.
20 de April de 2020 | Press Release
Principal publicación académica del organismo incluye además artículos sobre determinantes de la productividad laboral en México, un enfoque regional para estudiar la diversidad industrial en Argentina y la anatomía de la clase media brasileña, entre otros temas.
29 August 2018 | Press Release
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, presented the document “The Inefficiency of Inequality” during a keynote speech made at UNAM, in Mexico City.
28 de August de 2018 | Press Release
Publicación académica contiene artículos sobre investigaciones relacionadas con Brasil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, México y Perú, además de un suplemento especial conmemorativo de los 70 años de la CEPAL, que recopila material inédito de Raúl Prebisch.
6 May 2018 | Press Release
In the framework of its 37th session to be held in Cuba, ECLAC will present a new institutional document with its development proposal for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Banner social networks PSES 37
4 May 2018 | News
The invitation is to watch the live broadcast and to participate on the debates on social networks using hashtags #igualdadALC and #equalityLAC.
Banner PSES 37 ENG
3 May 2018 | Announcement
The UN regional commission’s most important biennial meeting will take place in Cuba.
2 May 2018 | Infographic
In 2018, ECLAC will hold its 37th session in Cuba, in which representatives from its 46 member-States and 13 associate members will debate the main challenges for implementing the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean.
14 October 2015 | News
Parliamentarians and experts met with the Deputy Executive Secretary and learned about the Commission’s work in areas such as economic and social development, science and technology, education, equality and planning.
22 de August de 2013 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL