Legislative Proposals for Sustainable Development Were Presented in the Brazilian Federal Senate

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The Environment Committee of Brazil’s Federal Senate promoted a public presentation of more than 30 legislative proposals, drafted with ECLAC’s technical support, for driving the country’s development with economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Images Brazilian Federal Senate event

On June 30, 2022, in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies’ Noble Hall, a public event was held to launch the final report of the Ecological Generation Forum. Created in June 2021 within the Environment Committee of Brazil’s Federal Senate, the Forum received technical support from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to carry out its activities.

The Ecological Generation Forum was conceived with the goal of drafting a comprehensive legislative framework that would present a National Sustainable Development Plan to the country. In the course of a year, 42 expert members of Brazil’s civil society were able to participate in an institutionalized space, based on the plurality of voices, visions and perspectives and on forging an environment of trust, in which they could express themselves, dialogue and build consensus. The debates were structured around five work groups: energy; the bioeconomy; land protection, restoration and use (known as PRUT in Portuguese); sustainable cities; and the circular economy and industry.

The final report of the Ecological Generation Forum presents more than 30 legislative proposals, with 26 bills, four indications and two information requests. It was approved unanimously by the Environment Committee.

The launch event, which took place in Brasilia for a limited number of guests due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, was transmitted live via TV Senado’s YouTube channel. Participating in the event were Senator Rodrigo Pacheco, President of the Brazilian Federal Senate; Senator Jaques Wagner, Chair of the Federal Senate’s Environment Committee; Carlos Mussi, Director of ECLAC’s Office in Brazil; Elbia Gannoum, Spokesperson for the Energy Work Group (WG); Ladislau Dowbor, Spokesperson for the Sustainable Cities WG; Letícia Tura, Spokesperson for the PRUT WG; Mercedes Bustamante, Spokesperson for the Bioeconomy WG; and Suely Araujo, Spokesperson for the Circular Economy and Industry WG.

The President of the Federal Senate, Senator Rodrigo Pacheco, said: “This report, coming from the Environment Committee after a wide-ranging discussion with civil society and with those who understand what they are confronting, under the leadership of Senator Jaques Wagner, [represents] an opportunity for us to have a guide and manual for the policies that must be implemented in the country in the future.”

According to the Chair of the Federal Senate’s Environment Committee, Senator Jaques Wagner, “the act of voting is not the end of each citizen’s participation in building a democratic society. Society needs to intensify its participation beyond the act of choosing its representatives. The proposals presented within the Ecological Generation Forum became a guide and constitute an area that resulted from mediation, which is intrinsic to participatory democracy.”

Carlos Mussi, Director of ECLAC’s Office in Brazil, stated: “I am certain that the proposals presented today represent a strategic framework for building an effective legislative framework for a just transition towards sustainable and low-carbon economies, in line with a Big Push for Sustainability.”

The proposals will be taken into consideration by the Federal Senate and the Brazilian National Congress, contributing to enriching the debate about ways to build a sustainable and equitable development pattern in the country.


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