Daniel Innerarity, Professor of Political and Social Philosophy, Will Give a Keynote Lecture at ECLAC

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The researcher at the Basque Foundation for Science (Ikerbasque) at the University of the Basque Country will give a talk on Monday, January 22 as part of the activities commemorating the United Nations regional organization’s 75th anniversary.

Banner of keynote lecture

The prominent Spanish philosopher and essayist Daniel Innerarity, a professor of political and social philosophy and researcher at the Basque Foundation for Science (Ikerbasque) at the University of the Basque Country, will give a keynote lecture on Monday, January 22, 2024 at the main headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago, Chile, where he will analyze the future of democracy in a digital society.

The scholar will be received by José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary.

The presentation, which will begin at 11 a.m. local time in Chile (UTC/GMT -3), is part of the Keynote Lecture Series organized to commemorate ECLAC’s 75th anniversary.

Daniel Innerarity is director of the Institute of Democratic Governance (Globernance) and Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Democracy at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.

A Doctor of Philosophy, he broadened his studies in Germany (as an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellow), Switzerland and Italy. He has been a visiting professor at numerous European and U.S. universities, such as the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute of Florence, the University of Paris 1-Sorbonne, the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris, Georgetown University and the Max Planck Institute of Heidelberg.

His books include Governance in the New Global Disorder; The Democracy of Knowledge, winner of the 2012 Euskadi Essay Prize; Humanity at Risk: The Need for Global Governance (with Javier Solana); The Future and Its Enemies; El nuevo espacio público; La sociedad invisible, winner of the 2004 Espasa Essay Prize; The Transformation of Politics, winner of the III Miguel de Unamuno Essay Prize and the 2003 National Literature Prize in the Essay category; Ethics of Hospitality, winner of the 2011 Prize of the Societé Alpine de Philosophie for the best book of philosophy in the French language; Politics in the Times of Indignation (2015); Democracy in Europe (2017); Política para perplejos (2018), winner of the 2019 Euskadi Essay Prize; Una teoría de la democracia compleja (2019); Pandemocracia (2020); and La sociedad del desconocimiento (2022).

In 2022, he received the National Research Prize in Humanities. In 2013, he was awarded the Príncipe de Viana Culture Prize, granted by the Government of Navarra, which recognizes the trajectory of relevant people or entities in the world of culture. In 2008, Eusko Ikaskuntza-Caja Laboral awarded him the Prize for Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences.

In addition, in 2004, the French magazine Le Nouvel Observateur included him on a list of the world’s 25 greatest thinkers.

Daniel Innerarity will be the eighth lecturer to participate in the series organized to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of ECLAC, which was founded in 1948 as one of the United Nations’ five regional commissions.

The lecture series began on July 24, 2023 with a presentation by Arancha González Laya, Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po), while August 18 marked the turn of prominent Colombian economist and former ECLAC Executive Secretary, José Antonio Ocampo.

On September 4, Aloizio Mercadante, President of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), gave a presentation on “The role of development banks in the transformation of the Latin American development model.” On September 28, Ricardo Hausmann, a Professor at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, delivered his lecture at ECLAC’s headquarters. And on October 25, Winston Dookeran, former Foreign Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and current Secretary-General of EUCLID University, visited ECLAC to speak about “Structure and Synergy in Development: The Caribbean Setting and its Future.”

On November 14, the renowned Spanish philosopher and professor Adela Cortina gave a presentation entitled “Reactions to migration in Latin America and the Caribbean: migration, aporophobia and ethical challenges for humanity.” Meanwhile, on November 24, the prominent Mexican economist and politician Santiago Levy, Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, addressed the matter of “Social protection and productivity in Latin America.”

In this series taking place through February 2024, other prominent thinkers will visit the Commission’s headquarters in Santiago to present their views and ideas about the challenges facing the world and the region. The full list of lecturers is available here.

Members of the media are invited to attend this keynote lecture by Daniel Innerarity, which will be held in the Celso Furtado conference room at ECLAC’s headquarters (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile). Journalists must have their media credentials or their IDs with them to gain entry and must get accredited in advance by emailing prensa@cepal.org.

The lecture will feature simultaneous interpretation in English.

What: Keynote lecture by Daniel Innerarity


  • Daniel Innerarity, professor of political and social philosophy, researcher at the Basque Foundation for Science (Ikerbasque) at the University of the Basque Country
  • José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary

When: Monday, January 22, 2024, 11:00 a.m. local time in Chile (UTC/GMT -03:00).

Where: ECLAC’s headquarters, Santiago, Chile (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura), Celso Furtado conference room.

Virtual connection via various platforms:

ECLAC’s website: www.cepal.org

Live transmission: https://live.cepal.org/75aniversario/

Official account on X: https://twitter.com/cepal_onu

Official account on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cepal.onu

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