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Webinar National Accounts System - Towards the 2025 SNA

1 July 2021|Event

This webinar is the first in a series of regional seminars within the framework of the updating process of the System National Account (SNA) and Balance of Payments Manual (BPM) and is organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Commission. Economic for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

In this framework, the purpose of the webinars is to achieve the following objectives and the related documentation:

  1. Inform compilers on progress with the SNA and BPM update programme.
  2. Introduce conceptual / compilation topics to encourage informed participation in global consultation on Guidance Notes (GN)
  3. Collect and verify information from the baseline evaluation (on the statistical capacity of the countries to implement the new recommendations)
  4. Obtain opinions on user demand for the new recommendations.
  5. Explore potential volunteers for early implementation of the new recommendations.
  6. Gather information on the countries' implementation plans.

1 Jul 2021

  • Welcome remarks

    15:00 to 15:15

             ▪ Representative of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
             ▪ Representative of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
             ▪ Representative of CARICOM

    Webinar National Accounts System - Towards the 2025 SNA


  • 1. 2008 SNA update overview

    15:15 to 15:30
    • • Procedures - Endorsement
      • Timeline
  • 2. Task teams and guidance notes

    15:30 to 15:50
    • • Research topics
      • Status - GNs
      • Global consultation
  • 3. Assessment and experimental estimates / Early Implementation

    15:50 to 16:05
    • • Initiative
      • Current implementation status
      • Outreach
  • » Round the table: questions / comments

    16:05 to 16:35
  • B r e a k

    16:35 to 16:45
  • 4. Experience of the participation in the Expert Group on National Accounts (AEG): Country experiences

    16:45 to 17:45
    • • Overview of National Accounts Statistics in LAC region
      • COSTA RICA
      • JAMAICA
           » Round the table: questions / comments
  • 5. Meeting wrap-up and way forward

    17:45 to 18:00