Available in English
Webinar National Accounts System - Towards the 2025 SNA
1 de julho de 2021|Evento
In this framework, the purpose of the webinars is to achieve the following objectives and the related documentation:
- Inform compilers on progress with the SNA and BPM update programme.
- Introduce conceptual / compilation topics to encourage informed participation in global consultation on Guidance Notes (GN)
- Collect and verify information from the baseline evaluation (on the statistical capacity of the countries to implement the new recommendations)
- Obtain opinions on user demand for the new recommendations.
- Explore potential volunteers for early implementation of the new recommendations.
- Gather information on the countries' implementation plans.
1 jul 2021
Welcome remarks
De 15:00 até 15:15▪ Representative of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
▪ Representative of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
▪ Representative of CARICOM -
1. 2008 SNA update overview
De 15:15 até 15:30- • Procedures - Endorsement• Timeline
2. Task teams and guidance notes
De 15:30 até 15:50- • Research topics• Status - GNs• Global consultation
3. Assessment and experimental estimates / Early Implementation
De 15:50 até 16:05- • Initiative• Current implementation status• Outreach
» Round the table: questions / comments
De 16:05 até 16:35 -
B r e a k
De 16:35 até 16:45 -
4. Experience of the participation in the Expert Group on National Accounts (AEG): Country experiences
De 16:45 até 17:45- • Overview of National Accounts Statistics in LAC region• ARGENTINA• COSTA RICA• JAMAICA» Round the table: questions / comments
5. Meeting wrap-up and way forward
De 17:45 até 18:00