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Technical meeting on validation of household consumption expenditure prices of the International Comparison Program (ICP), Cycle 2021

17 May 2022|Event

Virtual meeting organized by ECLAC in its capacity as Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the ICP, together with the World Bank under the guidelines of the ICP Global Office and CARICOM.


International Comparison Program / Programa de Comparación Internacional /
International Comparison Program / Programa de Comparación Internacional /

Technical meeting with price focal points of the of the International Comparison Program (ICP), Cycle 2021.

Topics of this meeting:

  1. Global update on the ICP 2021 Cycle.
  2. Review of the methodological concepts in the calculation of the CPI.
  3. Review of the procedures carried out with the information collected between 2019-2020 and 2021.
  4. Review of the schedule of activities for the region.

17 May 2022

  • Session 1: Welcome remarks and general background

    11:00 to 11:35
    • ▪ Rolando Ocampo, CEPAL / ECLAC
      ▪ Banco Mundial / World Bank
      ▪ CARICOM
      Banco Mundial / World Bank
      Global Update on the ICP 2021 Cycle (Panorama global del ciclo 2021 del PCI)
  • Session 2: Purchasing Power Parities Computation (PPP)

    11:35 to 12:30
    • Yuri Dikhanov, Banco Mundial / World Bank
      Methodological aspects of PPP computation (Aspectos metodológicos para el cálculo de las PPA)
      Yuri Dikhanov, Banco Mundial / World Bank
      Ejemplos prácticos y tablas de diagnóstico / Practical examples and diagnostic tables (Archivo/File: XLSX)
  • Session 3: Household Consumption Expenditure Prices for 2021 Cycle: Quarter 3

    12:30 to 13:00
      Procedimiento de validación intra e inter-países y extrapolación de los datos recolectados para el tercer trimestre 2019-2020 (Intra and inter-country validation procedure and extrapolation of data collected for quarter 3, 2019-2020)

18 May 2022

  • Session 3: Household Consumption Expenditure Prices for 2021 Cycle: Quarter 3 (continuation)

    11:00 to 13:00
      Validación de precios del tercer trimestre del gasto del consumo de los hogares / Validation of quarter 3 prices of household consumption expenditure
      » Ronda de preguntas y comentarios / Questions and comments
  • Session 4: Concluding remarks and next steps

    12:45 to 13:00
    • ▪ CEPAL / ECLAC