Technical meeting on validation of household consumption expenditure prices of the International Comparison Program (ICP), Cycle 2021
17 May 2022|Event
International Comparison Program / Programa de Comparación Internacional /
Technical meeting with price focal points of the of the International Comparison Program (ICP), Cycle 2021.
Topics of this meeting:
- Global update on the ICP 2021 Cycle.
- Review of the methodological concepts in the calculation of the CPI.
- Review of the procedures carried out with the information collected between 2019-2020 and 2021.
- Review of the schedule of activities for the region.
17 May 2022
Session 1: Welcome remarks and general background
11:00 to 11:35- ▪ Rolando Ocampo, CEPAL / ECLAC▪ Banco Mundial / World Bank▪ CARICOMBanco Mundial / World BankGlobal Update on the ICP 2021 Cycle (Panorama global del ciclo 2021 del PCI)
Session 2: Purchasing Power Parities Computation (PPP)
11:35 to 12:30Banco Mundial: Ejemplos prácticos y tablas de diagnóstico / Practical examples and diagnostic tables
- Yuri Dikhanov, Banco Mundial / World BankMethodological aspects of PPP computation (Aspectos metodológicos para el cálculo de las PPA)Yuri Dikhanov, Banco Mundial / World BankEjemplos prácticos y tablas de diagnóstico / Practical examples and diagnostic tables (Archivo/File: XLSX)
Session 3: Household Consumption Expenditure Prices for 2021 Cycle: Quarter 3
12:30 to 13:00- CEPAL / ECLACProcedimiento de validación intra e inter-países y extrapolación de los datos recolectados para el tercer trimestre 2019-2020 (Intra and inter-country validation procedure and extrapolation of data collected for quarter 3, 2019-2020)
18 May 2022
Session 3: Household Consumption Expenditure Prices for 2021 Cycle: Quarter 3 (continuation)
11:00 to 13:00- CEPAL / ECLACValidación de precios del tercer trimestre del gasto del consumo de los hogares / Validation of quarter 3 prices of household consumption expenditure» Ronda de preguntas y comentarios / Questions and comments
Session 4: Concluding remarks and next steps
12:45 to 13:00- ▪ CEPAL / ECLAC