Briefing note
Presentations, videos and photos of the event
08:30 – 09:00 |
Registration Opening Session: Relations between Asia and Latin America Chair: Nanno Mulder, International Trade and Integration Division, ECLAC |
09:00 – 09:20 |
Opening Remarks Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary, ECLAC Ji-Eun Yu, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Chile |
09:20 – 09:50 |
Bilateral trade and investment between Korea and Latin America Osvaldo Rosales, Director, International Trade and Integration Division, ECLAC |
09:50 – 10:05 |
Ignacio Bartesaghi, The Latin America-Asia Pacific Observatory, Uruguay |
10:05 – 10:30 |
Q&A |
10:30 – 10:50 Coffee break |
Session I : The role of SMEs in biregional value chains Chair: Keiji Inoue, International Trade and Integration Division, ECLAC |
10:50 – 11:10 |
Role of SMEs in Latin American exports to Asia Roberto Urmeneta, International Trade and Integration Division, ECLAC |
11:10 – 11:30 |
Trans-Latin value chains in Asia: the role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Daniela Ramos, Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación (CENIT), Argentina |
11:30 – 11:50 |
Supplier networks to Korean Multinationals in Latin America Jae Sung Kwak, Kyung Hee University, Korea |
11:50 – 12:10 |
SMEs in Korean electronics and pharmaceuticals value chains Si Un Yi, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Korea |
12:10 – 12:30 |
Diego Coatz, Centro de Estudios, Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA) Christian Mendoza, Eagon Lautaro, Chile |
12:30 – 13:00 |
Q&A |
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch (by invitation)
Session II: Supplier Development Programs in Latin America Chair: Sebastián Herreros, International Trade and Integration Division, ECLAC |
14:30 – 14:50 |
Supplier Development Programs in Latin America: The UNCTAD experience Fulvia Farinelli, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva |
14:50 – 15:10 |
Supplier Development Programs in Costa Rica and El Salvador Emmanuel Hess, Consultant, ECLAC, Costa Rica |
15:10 – 15:30 |
Comentarios Alicia Olivares, Production Development Corporation (CORFO), Chile |
15:30 – 16:00 |
Q&A |
16:00 – 16:15 Coffee break |
Session III Roundtable: Expanding the role of SMEs in regional value chainsexporting to Asia Chair: Osvaldo Rosales, Director, International Trade and Integration Division, ECLAC |
16:15 – 17:15 |
17:15 – 17:45 |
Q&A |
17:45 – 18:00 |
Closing remarks