See the attached agenda
The seminar "Analysis of Value Chains from the Andean subregional Input-Output Table: The case of intraregional trade and that of Asia Pacific" will be held in the city of Bogotá on March 26. During the Seminar, the methodology followed by ECLAC to assemble the South American Input-Output Tables for 2005 and 2011 will be presented, as well as the Input-Output Table of the Andean Community in both its 2005 and 2011 versions. Likewise, ECLAC will present results related to intra-Andean value chains, as well as trade relations with extra-regional Asia-Pacific partners.
The seminar is sponsorsed by the Andean Community and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia (MINCIT). Officials from the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN), the Secretariat of Central American Economic Integration (SIECA), and the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) will participate. All of them will have a colloquium on Regional Integration and Value Chains.
In addition, representatives of the MINCIT, the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), and the National Planning Department (DNP) will have a colloquium on the participation of Colombia in intra- and extraregional value chains, especially in the Andean Community and the Pacific Alliance. Preliminary results of the study "Colombia and foreign trade: links with the Andean Community and Asia Pacific" will be presented. This document was prepared by ECLAC in the framework of the project "Development of value chains for deeper integration of Latin America and Asia Pacific".
The seminar will be followed by a training workshop for officials of various public and private entities in Colombia, as well as other member countries of the Andean Community and the Pacific Alliance. The core component of this activity will be the use of input-output techniques and the development of indicators for the analysis of national, regional and global value chains.
See the attached agenda