Rio+20 - Meetings of the United Nations system. ECLAC and Sustainable Development



ECLAC and Sustainable Development

Event information

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Event type:

Meetings of the United Nations system

Practical information:

RIO+20. Events with partial participation of eclac

UN System: Together for the future we want

June 22, 2012 - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB)
Objective: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was joined by leaders of the UN to highlight their joint efforts to best support all countries and their peoples in making sustainable development a reality. The event aimed to demonstrate the UN system's collective capacity to advance greater integration and coherence of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development in order to redress current imbalances and promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, social justice and environmental protection as mutually supportive goals.
ECLAC Participant: Ms. Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary as Moderator
To view the video of the event, click here.

Regional Commissions Joint Side Event: Green Growth and Sustainable Development - Regional Perspectives

June 21, 2012 - RioCentro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Más Información

Tailoring Green Growth Strategies to Country Circumstances: Practical Steps towards Achieving Sustainable Development

June 21, 2012 - Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Objective: To share successful experiences in implementing green growth strategies, and to highlight some of the challenges and how they can be addressed, including through international technology co-operation, financing, investment, and trade. The discussion focused on how green growth reforms can contribute to sustainable development; the need of differentiated green growth strategies to fit countries’ specific conditions; and how OECD’s green growth toolkit and indicators can be adapted to different socio-economic contexts to help countries advance and measure their own progress.
ECLAC participant: Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary
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IADB's Climate Change and Sustainability Day

June 20, 2012 - Hotel Windsor Barra, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
Objective: The event aims at promoting the dialogue and collaborative efforts on key relevant topics for the Latin American and Caribbean region: climate change adaptation and mitigation actions, low carbon resilient development, biodiversity, sustainable energy, the challenge of local sustainability
ECLAC participant: Joseluis Samaniego, Chief Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division
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High level Roundtable on Women's Autonomy and Sustainable Development

June 20, 2012 - Aterro do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres da Presidência da República de Brasil
ECLAC participant: Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary, Sonia Montaño, Director, Division Gender Affairs
More information (in Spanish)
Sustainable Development Depends on Women - Note for Equality N°4

Public investment: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development (sólo en inglés)

June 20, 2012 - Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, Brazil
Objective: The event aims at promoting the dialogue and collaborative efforts on key relevant topics for the Latin American and Caribbean region: climate change adaptation and mitigation actions, low carbon resilient development, biodiversity, sustainable energy, the challenge of local sustainability
ECLAC participant: Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary

International Conference on Financing the Green Economy and Sustainable Development

June 19, 2012 - Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade of Brazil and Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)
Objective: With the participation of various development banks, the event discussed new initiatives for financing proposals that reconcile development with environmental sustainability. The event was organized as part of the 60th anniversary celebrations of BNDES.
ECLAC Participant: Ms. Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary

Nature Based Solutions for a Sustainable Future

June 19, 2012 - Riocentro P3-E, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
IUCN in collaboration with the African Development Bank, the Government of Italy and a number of other partners
Objective: Demonstrate that nature is at the heart of socioeconomic development; showcase field experiences in nature-based solutions enabled by equitable and efficient governance in various areas such as food security, forest and water; and explore concrete action needed to implement nature-based solutions with good governance at a larger scale, such as appropriate investment in natural infrastructure for development.
ECLAC participant: Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary
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Choosing our future "Open and participatory -  development governance"  

June 19, 2012 - Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Organizer:World Resources Institute, Fundação Getulio Vargas – Dereito Rio Program on Law and Environment, The Access Initiative with the support of and in collaboration with United Nations Institute for Training and Research, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and Article 19
Objective: Highlight governance commitments from around the world, develop an agenda of good governance reforms for the coming decade and advance ideas on how to build legal frameworks at the national, regional and international levels to implement Principle 10
ECLAC participants: Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary, at the plenary sessions; and Carlos De Miguel, at the Working session on Principle 10 conventions.
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Latin America, green continent, and its comparative advantages ahead of a scarcity scenario

June 18, 2012 - Teatro Maria Clara Machado, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
AVINA, Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Secrétaria Municipal de Cultura
Objective: The event, organized as part of the Sustainable Amazon Forum (Fórum Amazônia Sustentável), aimed at discuss the trend to reprimarization of the Latin American economies and its impacts on their resilience to climate change and inequality in access resources.
ECLAC participant: Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary

"Sustainable Development: Do we need a green industrial policy?"

June 17, 2012 - Riocentro T-3, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Objective: The side-event will focus on greening industrial policy for industrial growth, that is, how to widen the scope of traditional industrial policy to incorporate environmental objectives. It aims at discussing the fundamental industrial development sustainability choices in terms of industrial growth, employment generation, social inclusiveness and conservation of the environment. It also aims at identifying industrial policies and best practices towards more environmentally friendly paths, including improving industrial resource use efficiency.
ECLAC participant: Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary

Productive transformation towards low-carbon economies: Financing mechanisms

June 17, 2012 - JW Marriott, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
Objective: Leaders from Government, financial institutions, and intergovernmental organizations, will present a vision of the opportunities and challenges of financing the transition towards a green economy within the context of sustainable development and poverty alleviation.
ECLAC participant: Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary

"Working towards a balanced and inclusive green economy: A UN system-wide perspective"

June 16, 2012 - Riocentro P3-F, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The UN Environment Management Group (EMG)
Objective: To share with a wide audience in Rio the UN system-wide perspectives on the transition onto inclusive green economy pathways and the support they can provide to member states in achieving sustainable development through a green economy approach and to explore how the UN system can mobilize its capacities in a coordinated manner to assist member states in their efforts to move onto inclusive green economy pathways as follow up to the EMG report.
ECLAC participant: Joseluis Samaniego, Chief Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division
More information
See also the IISD reporting service coverage of the event

Creativity 4 Innovation (C4I)

June 13, 2012 - ICC Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC); hosts: ICC Brazil and CNC; sponsors: Bosch, Inventec; supporting partners: ECLAC, UNEP, UNIDO and RTCC.
Objective: The event ought to create opportunities for intensive and dialogue and a work-together atmosphere to bridge the gap between policy making and the implementation of sustainable development strategies, and to discuss best practice experiences.
ECLAC participant: Joseluis Samaniego, Chief Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division
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Biodiversity and Natural Resources for Sustainability

June 13, 2012 - BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Center for Strategic Studies & Management, Science, Technology & Innovation (CGEE)
Objective: To discuss how we can foster the promotion of sustainable natural resources based activities and the transition of its sociotechnical regimes.
ECLAC participant: Joseluis Samaniego, Chief Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division

Ethos Conference 2012: Business and the New Economy: What changes with Rio+20?

June 12, 2012 - Hotel Transamerica, São Paulo, Brazil
Ethos Institute
Objective: To discuss the trends and decisions that will be taken in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) and how they can affect society and companies.
ECLAC participant: Joseluis Samaniego, Chief Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division
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