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Regional Workshop on Machinery and Equipment Survey of the International Comparison Program (ICP), Cycle 2021

25 January 2022|Event

Virtual meeting organized by ECLAC in its capacity as Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the ICP.


International Comparison Program / Programa de Comparación Internacional /
International Comparison Program / Programa de Comparación Internacional /

The objective of this regional technical meeting on the requirements of machinery and equipment price statistics —with the 33 Latin American and Caribbean countries that are participating in the International Comparison Program (ICP), Cycle 2021— is to provide support in the data collection and preparation guidelines for the 2021 round.

It will be carried out with presentations and technical support documents from an expert consultant on the subject.

The following topics will be discussed at this meeting:

  1. Gross Fixed Capital Formation: Machinery and Equipment.
  2. Machinery and Equipment Survey (M&E) Product List and Specifications.
  3. Main aspects of data collection, compilation and validation.

25 Jan 2022

  • Session 1: Welcoming words and general background

    10:00 to 10:15

    1) Opening remarks

    • William Vigil-Oliver, Banco Mundial
    • Ana Victoria Vega, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, CEPAL

    2) Workshop agenda and objectives

    Taller regional sobre la Encuesta de Maquinaria y Equipo del PCI, Ciclo 2021 (25 de enero 2022)


  • Session 2: Gross Fixed Capital Formation: Machinery and Equipment (MEQ)

    10:15 to 11:30
    • Rui Costa, Banco Mundial
      Panorama de la Encuesta de Maquinaria y Equipo
      Rui Costa, World Bank
      Overview of the Machinery and Equipment Survey
           • Categoría MyE bajo Formación Bruta de Capital Fijo / MEQ category under Gross Fixed Capital Formation
           • Panorama de la Encuesta MyE PCI / Overview of the MEQ survey ICP
      Peter Tabor, Consultor / Consultant
      Lista de Ítems y Datos Requeridos para la Encuesta de MyE / Item Lists and Data Requirements for ICP MEQ Surveys
           • Lista de Ítems - Panorama incluyendo cambios en lista de MyE en ciclo 2021 PCI / Item List - Overview including Changes on the MEQ list in 2021 ICP
           • Recopilación de precios y directrices incluidas fuentes de información sobre precios / Price Collection and Guidelines including Sources of Price Information
      Ernestina Pérez, CEPAL / ECLAC
      Lecciones del Ciclo 2017 del PCI para las Encuestas MyE / Lessons from the ICP 2017 cycle for MEQ Survey
  • Session 3: Item List and Specifications of Machinery and Equipment (MEQ) Survey

    11:30 to 12:30
    • Peter Tabor, Consultor / Consultant
      Lista de Ítems y especificaciones / Item List and Specifications

26 Jan 2022

27 Jan 2022

28 Jan 2022

  • Session 3: Item List and Specifications of Machinery and Equipment (MEQ) Survey (cont.)

    10:00 to 11:30

    Taller regional sobre la Encuesta de Maquinaria y Equipo del PCI, Ciclo 2021 (28 de enero 2022)


    • Peter Tabor, Consultor / Consultant
      Lista de Ítems y especificaciones / Item List and Specifications
  • Session 4: Data collection, compilation and validation

    11:30 to 12:05
    • Peter Tabor, Consultor / Consultant
      Lo que “debe y no debe” hacerse / “Dos and Don'ts”
      Peter Tabor, Consultor / Consultant
      Mesa redonda / Round Table
  • Session 5: Concluding Session

    12:05 to 12:30
    • Ana Victoria Vega, CEPAL / ECLAC
      Resumen de discusión y próximos pasos / Summary of discussion and next steps