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Population and housing censuses in pandemic contexts: regional panorama and challenges

23 November 2021|Event

This is a side-event of the Eleventh meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, organized by CELADE-Population Division of ECLAC and the National Statistical Institute of Chile.


The crisis caused by the pandemic has highlighted the importance of population and housing censuses as a fundamental tool for decision-making regarding prevention, mitigation and targeting of resources and to provide valuable information in the identification and characterization of vulnerable populations and its distribution

The COVID-19 pandemic coincided with the year zero recommended for conducting the censuses, impacting numerous countries in the region that had planned to conduct its census between 2020 and 2022 which in most cases had to be postponed as they were affected not only by the challenges and uncertainties inherent to the health emergency, but also due to budget reductions, demanding reschedule, acceleration of technological innovations, drop in citizen participation due to physical distancing and fear, among other factors. Such is the case that some countries in the region still don’t have guaranteed resources or defined dates for conducting their censuses, or have had to accelerate its implementation, without the proper conditions to guarantee obtaining quality information.


The objective of this side event is to attain, from the perspective of the directors and managers of the National Statistical Institutes, the main challenges that the Latin American and the Caribbean region has been facing in the planning and deploying of their population and housing censuses in the context of a pandemic COVID-19 and learn about the strategies applied to ensure a timely implementation and a quality result.

23 Nov 2021

  • Population and housing census – regional overview

    13:00 to 14:30

         » Moderator:   Sandra Quijada, Director of the National Statistical Institute of Chile

    Los censos de población y vivienda en contextos de pandemia: panorama regional y desafíos urgentes


    • Simone Cecchini, Director del CELADE-División de Población de la CEPAL / Director of CELADE-Population Division of ECLAC
      Panorama de los censos de población y vivienda en América Latina / Overview of population and housing censuses in Latin America
      Barbara Adams, Deputy Programme Manager, CARICOM
      Panorama de los censos de población y viviendas en los países del Caribe / Overview of population and housing censuses in the Caribbean countries
      Eduardo Luiz Goncalves Rios Neto, Presidente del IBGE, Brasil / President of IBGE, Brazil
      Floribel Méndez Fonseca, Gerente del INEC, Costa Rica / Director of INEC, Costa Rica
      - COSTA RICA
      Iván Mauricio Ojeda Aguilera, Director Nacional del INE, Paraguay / National Director of INE, Paraguay
      - PARAGUAY
      Diana Castillo-Trejo, Directora General del INE, Belice / Acting Director General of SIB, Belize
           » Intervención de los países y cierre / Country intervention and closing session