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Showing 1 to 20 of 64 results in 4 pages.
10 July 2024 | Meetings of the United Nations system
ECLAC Executive Secretary José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs participated as keynote speaker in the High Level Politial Forum (HLPF) side event “Global Energy Interconnectivity and Transition for the SDGs” organized by the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO)
27 February 2024 | Meetings of the United Nations system
The Statistical Commission as the primary body for the coordination of the global statistical programmes in general and of the United Nations statistical and data-related system.
7 November 2023 | Meetings of the United Nations system
Reconociendo la contribución de las tecnologías espaciales en la respuesta en caso de desastres, desde el año 2002, varias agencias espaciales establecieron la Carta Internacional "Espacio y Grandes Catástrofes" como un mecanismo para brindar apoyo en la respuesta en caso de desastres. Dicho...
17 August 2023 | Meetings of the United Nations system
The UN Datathon (3-6 November) welcomes participants from around the globe of all ages and backgrounds, as long as you have a basic level of data science experience. If you are passionate about data-driven solutions at local and global levels, and eager to contribute to the implementation of the UN...
2 August 2023 | Meetings of the United Nations system
The Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), is an intergovernmental mechanism created to provide guidelines regarding the production, availability, and use of geospatial information within national, regional and global policy frameworks.
17 March 2023 | Meetings of the United Nations system
Side event organized by the Government of Argentina in collaboration with UN Women and ECLAC within the framework of the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67).
28 February 2023 | Meetings of the United Nations system
The Statistical Commission as the primary body for the coordination of the global statistical programmes in general and of the United Nations statistical and data-related system.
9 November 2022 | Meetings of the United Nations system
El objetivo de este evento es presentar los resultados principales del documento, escuchar las impresiones de los países del GRULAC y discutir un plan de trabajo para realizar estimaciones sectoriales específicas que sean un aporte para los hacedores de política y el sector financiero.
1 September 2022 | Meetings of the United Nations system
Ahead of COP27, the UN system, leveraging its convening power, network of experts and influencers at regional levels, will partner with the incoming Egyptian Presidency of COP27 and the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions for COP26 and COP27 to organize a series of five regional forums on “...
7 November 2021 | Meetings of the United Nations system
CEPAL participará en un evento cuyo objetivo es el de dialogar entorno a diferentes experiencias facilitadas por el GCoM e ICLEI para contribuir a la implementación de los Planes de Acción Climática de ciudades latinoamericanas, a través de instrumentos de diagnóstico y financiamiento. Se busca...
6 November 2021 | Meetings of the United Nations system
UN ECLAC Excecutive Secretary, Ms. Alicia Bárcena will participate in a COP26 event to discuss the importance of mobilizing climate finance and investment capital through innovative finance mechanisms, such as climate action-debt swaps and green bonds,needed to ensure that solutions are translated...
26 April 2021 | Meetings of the United Nations system
The purpose of the Meeting is to provide a common platform where Member States and all other stakeholders can contribute to the debate on the challenges, progress and needs in the implementation of the Global Compact in the region. All ECLAC Member States are expected to participate, as well as a...
28 October 2020 | Meetings of the United Nations system
El día miércoles 28 de octubre de 2020, en el marco del trigésimo octavo período de sesiones de CEPAL, se realizará el evento de alto nivel de presentación del estudio “Afrodescendientes y la matriz de la desigualdad social en América Latina: retos para la inclusión”.
5 March 2019 | Meetings of the United Nations system
The Statistical Commission consists of 24 member countries of the United Nations, elected by the United Nations Economic and Social Council on the basis of an equitable geographical distribution. The term of office of members is four years.
