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Moving forward to the development of dissemination platforms based on an interoperable data banks ecosystem

14 November 2024|Event

This event is held within the framework of the Fifth United Nations World Data Forum, which will take place in Medellín, Colombia, from November 12 to 15, 2024.

The purpose of this session is to provide a space of discussion and exchange on experiences in the development of dissemination platforms based on an interoperable data bank ecosystem, allowing users to access a diverse range of data, conduct analysis, and process queries.

Moderation and introductory speech

  • Rolando Ocampo, Director Statistics Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean


  • Hannes Reuter, European Commission - Eurostat - Unit E4 - Regional statistics and geographical information
  • Gemma Van Halderen, Department of Social Services (DSS), Australian Government
  • Iván Ojeda, Director National Statistics Institute of Paraguay
  • Claudio Stenner, Head of Institutional Relations in Geosciences of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)

14 Nov 2024

၀ 10:45 — 10:50

Rolando Ocampo, ECLAC
Introduction to the session
- General introduction on the purpose/contents of the session
- Brief introduction of each speaker (their organisation, their role)

၀ 10:50 — 11:00

Rolando Ocampo
Presentation from ECLAC

၀ 11:00 — 11:10

Hannes Reuter
Presentation from EUROSTAT

၀ 11:10 — 11:20

Gemma Van Halderen
Presentation from Department of Social Services (DSS), Australian Government

၀ 11:20 — 11:30

Iván Ojeda
Presentation from National Statistics Institute of Paraguay

၀ 11:30 — 11:40

Claudio Stenner
Presentation from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)

၀ 11:40 — 11:45


၀ 11:45

Rolando Ocampo, ECLAC


Practical information

Sesión / Session
TA 1.17:
Moving forward to the development of dissemination platforms based on an interoperable data banks ecosystem
Lugar / Place: Centro de Convenciones Plaza Mayor,Room RB
Medellín, Colombia
(Cra. 57 #41-81, La Candelaria)
Fecha / Date: 14 NOV 2024
Hora / Time: 10:45 - 11:45 hrs.(Hora de Colombia / Colombia Time)
Idioma / Language: Inglés / English