Press Release
See the attached programme
In December 2014, the Governments of the Republics of Guatemala and Honduras announced their willingness to advance in the deepening of the economic integration process, in accordance with the provisions of the Central American legal instruments.
The investment for the establishment of the Customs Union model between Guatemala and Honduras began in 2016, and the Customs Union between Guatemala and Honduras was officially launched on June 26, 2017. In 2018, El Salvador signed the Adhesion to the Process of Deep Integration towards the Free Transit of Goods and of Natural Persons between the Republics of Guatemala and Honduras.
Subsequently, on August 20, 2018, the Corinto Declaration was signed during the Summit of Presidents of the Republics of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, where they agreed to invite development partners and cooperation agencies to continue supporting the Process of Deep Integration and coordinate cooperation initiatives that can strengthen and deepen it. With this objective, the Ministerial Instance was instructed, with the support of the Central American Economic Integration Secretariat (SIECA), to organize a high-level meeting with development partners and international cooperation agencies to present the progress of the Deep Integration Process among the Republics of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, and to urge the provision of financial support that allows for its improvement.
The objective of the meeting is to present to the community of partners the current status and prospects of the Deep Integration Process of the countries of the Northern Triangle, with the purpose of identifying areas of joint work between the countries, the SIECA and the cooperating partners to accelerate the improvement and deepening of the process.
See the attached programme