Co-organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). With the support of CARICOM and Eurostat.
Event information
Event type:
The Conference is targeting heads of national statistical offices, chief statisticians of international and regional organizations, multilateral and bilateral partners, and other stakeholders.
The Latin American Conference is part of a series of regional conferences on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics in support of the 2030 Development Agenda. It builds on the outcome of the High-Level Global Conference organized by UNSD and Eurostat in January 2015 in New York and the recognition by the 46th and 47th sessions of the UN Statistical Commission of the emerging demands for high-quality statistics and the need for modernization of national, regional and international statistical systems.
The Conference aims at taking stock of various international, regional, sub-regional and national initiatives for integrating and modernizing statistical systems, and shaping the global initiative for a Transformative Agenda to the Latin American context.
- Participants (Spanish)
Wednesday, 14st September 2016
Welcome and opening
Welcome words
- Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- Fernando Montenegro,Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- Philomen Harrison, CARICOM
- Ivo Havinga, United Nation Statistics Division (UNSD)
Participants introduction
Overview of the Transformative Agenda (UNSD)
Session 1: Coordination at and between the Global and Regional Statistical System, Communication and Advocacy
Facilitator: Pablo Tactuk (Dominican Republic)
- Philomen Harrison (CARICOM)
- Jorge García (INEC, Ecuador) (Spanish)
- Questions and answers
- Plenary presentations of the outcome of breakout meetings and discussions
Session 2: Innovation and Modernization through Standards-Based Statistical Business Architecture
Facilitator: Jorge Todesca (INDEC, Argentina)
- Stephanie Tobies (Eurostat)
- Julio Santaella (INEGI, Mexico) (Spanish)
- Questions and answers
- Plenary presentations of the outcome of breakout meetings and discussions
Thursday, 15st September 2016
Session 3: Integrated Statistical systems: Data collection, Processing and Dissemination of Integrated Statistics
Facilitator: Aimée Cosculluela (ONEI, Cuba)
- Presentation by ECLAC
- Ana Paola Gómez (DANE, Colombia) (Spanish)
- Questions and answers
- Breakout meetings
- Plenary presentations of the outcome of breakout meetings and discussions
Session 4: Training and Capacity Building
Facilitator: Maria Elizabeth Barrios (DGEEC, Paraguay)
- Jose Antonio Mejia (IDB) (Spanish)
- Wasmalia Bivar (IBGE, Brasil) (Spanish)
- Questions and answers
- Breakout meetings
- Plenary presentations of the outcome of breakout meetings and discussions
Friday, 16st September 2016
Session 5: Conclusions and the Way Forward - Countries
Facilitator: Pascual Gerstenfeld (ECLAC)
Presentation (ECLAC and DENU).
Presentation of the outcome of the conference with the contribution of panellists.
- Jorge Todesca (INDEC, Argentina)
- Wasmalia Bivar (IBGE, Brasil)
- Jorge Garcia (INEC, Ecuador)
- Anibal Sanchez (INEI, Peru)
- Raul Pacheco Salazar (INE, Venezuela)
Session 6: Conclusions and the Way Forward - Organizers
- ECLAC Statistics Division
- Inter-American Development Bank
- United Nations Statistics Division
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