Joint ECLAC and ESCWA regional webinar on Prices: innovation and integration of statistical operations
This regional seminar was organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), through the Statistics Division, and by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and is part of the activities of the 14th Tranche of the United Nations Development Account (DA-14).
The purpose of the meeting is to promote resilient and agile statistics that meet the need for post-COVID-19 data for better decision-making to recover and monitor economic disparities. In this sense, innovation in the sources of data collection and the integration of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the International Comparison Program (ICP) are raised. Furthermore, the event will focus on the regional panorama to acknowledge regional experiences in the new challenges of innovative information sources to collect price data such as scanner data and web scraping. Finally, good practices in the implementation of the ICP will be reviewed with two case studies showing the challenges and steps to follow for the implementation and integration of the CPI-ICP.
4 Apr 2023
Session: 1 Opening
09:00 to 09:15Welcome remarks:
• ECLAC Statistics Division
• ESCWA Statistics Division
• UN Statistics Division (UNSD) -
Sesión 2: DA-14 Statistics and Data Project
09:15 to 11:15- Gabriel Gamez, Project Coordinator, Inter-regional Adviser, UNSDStatus of the Development Account 14 for resilient and agile National Statistical Systems (NSS) to meet post-COVID-19 data needs, to recover betterClaudia de Camino, ECLAC Statistics DivisionApproach for Monitoring Economic Disparities workstreamMajed Skaini, ESCWACPI-ICP Integration in the Arab RegionCarsten Boldsen, UNECEInnovative sources of information for price data collection: New data sources and resilient production systems for the CPI» Preguntas y comentarios / Questions and comments
5 Apr 2023
Session 3: Innovative sources of information for price data collection
11:00 to 12:30- Carolina Rey, INE de UruguayScanner data - caso país: Uso de registros administrativos: Experiencia IPC de UruguayLincoln T. da Silva, Neimar Guimarães y Vladimir Miranda, IBGEWebscraping - caso país: Uso de web scraping para estadísticas de precios en IBGE» Preguntas y comentarios / Questions and comments
Session 4: Good practices in the ICP implementation, country cases
12:30 to 13:45- Ernestina Pérez, División de Estadísticas de la CEPALIntegración IPC-PCI: pasos y retosIván Ortiz, Banco Central de la República DominicanaIntegración IPC-PCI - caso país: República Dominicana» Preguntas y comentarios / Questions and comments
Session 5: Final remarks
13:45 to 14:00- Claudia de Camino, División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL / ECLAC Statistics DivisionConclusiones finales / Final Conclusions