See the attached programme
The seminar "Value Chains between the Countries of MERCOSUR and Asia Pacific" will be held in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay on May 13th, 2019. The seminar is part of the projects "Input-Output Tables for Industrial and Trade Policies in Central and South America" and "Value chain development for a deeper integration of East Asia and Latin America". During the Seminar, the methodology followed by ECLAC to assemble the South American Input-Output Table and Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) Input-Output Table for 2005 and 2011 will be presented. ECLAC will share some results derived from the tables on intra-MERCOSUR value chains, as well as trade relations with Asia Pacific partners.
The seminar is sponsorsed by the MERCOSUR Secretariat. Officials from the MERCOSUR Secretariat, the Andean Community, the Central American Economic Integration Secretariat (SIECA), the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), as well as academia and civil society will participate. The participating delegates of the different regional integration schemes of Latin America will have a colloquium on Regional Integration and Value Chains.
Afterwards, a training workshop will be held for officials of various public entities of the MERCOSUR member countries, including officials from the ministries of Industry and Commerce and Foreign Affairs, among others.
See the attached programme