The thirty-second session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from 9 to 13 June 2008. By a resolution adopted at the thirty-first session (Montevideo, Uruguay, 20-24 March 2006) and subsequently approved by the Economic and Social Council by its resolution 2006/40, the member States accepted the offer extended by the Dominican Republic to host the session. The meeting was held in accordance with the ECLAC calendar of conferences for the period 2006-2008. The session is the most important event of each biennium for ECLAC. It provides a forum for the consideration of issues of importance for the development of the countries of the region and an opportunity to review the progress of the Commission’s activities. In consultation with the host country, the theme selected for this session was Structural Change and Productivity Growth - 20 Years Later. Old problems, new opportunities.
On Friday 13 June the Committee on South-South Cooperation held a meeting during which it adopted the resolutions.
Event information

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The ECLAC secretariat presented for consideration by delegations the document Activities of the ECLAC system to promote and support South-South cooperation during the biennium 2006-2007, which examined the characteristics of South-South cooperation and multilateral assistance channelled through the United Nations. The first section analysed the overall situation and described the general trends relating to official development assistance in recent years. Section II of the document reviewed the cooperation activities of ECLAC during the 2006-2007 biennium, with particular reference to South-South cooperation in a global, multilateral framework. It outlined the characteristics of ECLAC technical assistance projects and reports on the expenditures incurred in that area during the biennium, listing the projects by subject area. A number of key projects which had contributed to the implementation of South-South cooperation in the region were highlighted. The technical assistance missions undertaken by ECLAC during the past biennium were examined by subject and geographical area. Lastly, South-South cooperation activities were presented by subprogramme with an indication of the Millennium Development Goals to which they were related.
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Thirty-second session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
The thirty-second session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from 9 to 13 June 2008. By resolution 631(XXXI), adopted at the thirty-first session of ECLAC (Montevideo, Uruguay, 20-24 March 2006), member States agreed that Santo Domingo would be the host city of the meeting. The session is the most important event of each biennium for ECLAC. It provides a forum for the consideration of issues of importance for the development of the countries of the region and an opportunity to review the activities of the Commission.