Briefing note
Agenda of the conference
9:00 Opening speech by Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC, and Leonardo Letelier, Director of the Postgraduate School of the University of Chile and representative of IDB (TBD), Chief Fiscal Economist of IBD.
9.30 - 11.00 – 1st Set of presentations. Moderator: Leonardo Letelier (University of Chile)
1. Topic: Territorial Equality: Transfers and Taxation
“Equalization grants and asymmetric sharing of natural resources: options for Latin America” Giorgo Brosio (UNITO) and Juan Pablo Jimenez (ECLAC) (30’)
“Similar opportunities for different subnational governments - equalization transfers in Latin America and the Caribbean” - Andrés Muñoz and Axel Radics (IBD) (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
11.00 - 11.30 - Coffee break
11.30 - 13.00 – 2nd Set of presentations, Moderator: Luis Caramés (University of Santiago de Compostela)
“Fiscal needs at regional level and options to improve the distribution of intergovernmental transfers in Peru” - Gonzalo Neyra Araoz (University Esan, Peru) (30’)
“Transfer System and Fiscal Equalization. International Comparison” - Marcelo Luis Capello (IERAL) (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
13.00 - 14.30 – Lunch break
14.30 - 15.30 – 3rd Set of presentations. Moderator: Ricardo Martner ECLAC.
“The determination of the tax effort in the Argentine provinces: the case of the tax on gross income” – Darío Rossignolo (University of Buenos Aires) (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
2. Topic: Decentralization and Subnational Spending
“A Mariachi Medley: Mexico’s Long Road to Fiscal Federalism Reform” – Emilio Pineda (IBD) (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
15.30 - 16.00 - Coffee break
16.00 - 17.30 – 4th Set of presentations. Moderator: Huascar Eguino (IBD)
“Measures of performance and efficiency in the public sector. A case study” (Bolivia)” – Alberto Porto, Walter Rosales y Marcelo Garriga (University Nacional de la Plata). (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
“Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth: Evidence from Regional-Level Panel Data for Colombia” – Ignacio Lozano (Banco de la República) and Juan Manuel Julio (Banco de la República). (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
Summary of the day: (30’)
18.30 - Cocktail.
Wednesday September 2nd
9.00 - 10.30 – 5th Set of presentations. Moderator: José Larios (IBD)
3. Topic: Reforms to intergovernmental relations in LAC and Spain
“Economic crisis and intergovernmental transfers to municipalities in Spain: management problems and simulation of alternatives” - Javier Suarez Pandiello (University de Oviedo), Francisco Pedraja Chaparro and Alfonso Utrilla de la Hoz. (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
"Design of transfers in Chile- achieving effective service delivery and convergence of opportunities”– Leonardo Letelier (University de Chile), Ehtisham Ahmad (LSE) y Hector Ormeño. (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
10.30 - 11.00 - Coffee break
11.00 - 12.30 – 6th Set of presentations. Moderator: Héctor Ormeño (University of Chile)
“Can education targets be met without increasing public spending? An analysis for Brazilian municipalities” – Plínio Portela de Oliveira, Fabiana Rocha; Sérgio Ricardo de Brito Gadelha, Janete Duarte (University of São Paulo) (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
“The gap on tax collection and expenditure productivity in Mexican municipalities: An approach to public services” – Gabriel Farfán Mares (Univ. Iberoamericana México DF) (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
12.30 - 14.00 – Lunch break
14.00 - 15.30 – 7th Set of presentations. Moderator: Javier Suarez Pandiello (University of Oviedo)
“The impact of budgetary transfers from the national government to the Argentine provinces” – Juan Carro (Coordinator of Fiscal Studies in Ministry of Economy and Public Finance of the Nation) (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
15.30 - 16.00 - Coffee break
16.00 - 17.30 8th Set of presentations. Moderator: Javier Suarez Pandiello (University of Oviedo)
“External control in the subcentral governments: a Neoinstitutional view” – Luis Caramés Viétiez and María Cadaval Sampedro (University de Santiago de Compostela) (30’)
Discussion: (30’)
Summary of the day: (30’)