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Tenth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC

6 April 2011|Event

The tenth meeting of the Executive Committee will review the status of implementation of the biennial programme of regional and international cooperation activities, 2009-2011; of resolution 6 (V) adopted by the Conference at its fifth meeting; and of the agreements adopted by the Executive Committee at its ninth meeting. At its tenth meeting, the Executive Committee will also review the operating modalities of the working groups of the Conference in order to propose measures aimed at strengthening their achievements. In addition, the Executive Committee must decide upon the preliminary agenda and the place and date of the sixth meeting of the Conference and define the substantive issues to be discussed on that occasion. The Executive Committee will also have before it for discussion the proposed areas of work for the biennial programme of regional and international cooperation activities, 2012-2013. A working meeting on the 2010 census round is also planned, with a view to exchanging experiences on the census-taking operations carried out recently in a number of Latin American and Caribbean countries. 

6 Apr 2011

  • Registration of participants

    08:30 to 09:00
  • Opening session

    09:00 to 09:30
    • Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz, Ministro del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera de la República de Cuba
      Palabras de bienvenida
      Luis Beccaria, Director de la División de Estadística y Proyecciones Económicas de la CEPAL
      Palabras de inauguración del representante de la CEPAL
      Pablo Tactuk, Director de la Oficina Nacional de Estadística de la República Dominicana, en su calidad de Presidente de la CEA
      Palabras de bienvenida
  • Adoption of the agenda (agenda item 1) Adoption of the agenda and organization of the work of the tenth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas

    09:30 to 09:45
  • Review of progress in the implementation of the biennial programme of regional and international cooperation activities, 2009-2011 (agenda item 2) Report by the secretariat

    09:45 to 10:00
  • Reports by the working groups

    10:00 to 15:00
  • Report on the activities of the Knowledge Transfer Network

    15:00 to 15:30
  • Report on the review of the operating modalities of the working groups

    15:30 to 16:00

7 Apr 2011

  • Information on the 2011 round of the International Comparison Programme

    09:00 to 09:30
    • Informe sobre el estado de avance del Programa de Comparación Internacional en América Latina y el Caribe
  • Report on the progress of the project to establish a regional statistical framework for directories of businesses and establishments

    09:30 to 10:00
    • Informe de avance del proyecto Marco estadístico regional para directorios de empresas y establecimientos
  • Regional project on agricultural and rural statistics

    10:00 to 10:30
  • Report on the coordination of international statistical activities in the area of the environment

    11:00 to 12:00
    • Informe sobre la coordinación de las actividades estadísticas internacionales en el área de medio ambiente
  • Information on subregional cooperation activities

    12:00 to 13:00
  • Dinner reception hosted by the National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba

    19:00 to 20:00

7 Apr 2011 - 20 Oct, 2016

8 Apr 2011

  • Other matters

    09:00 to 11:15
    • Información sobre el 42º período de sesiones de la Comisión Estadística de las Naciones Unidas
      Preparativos de la sexta reunión de la Conferencia Estadística de la Américas de la CEPAL
      Examen de los temas sustantivos para la sexta reunión de la Conferencia Estadísticas de las Américas de la CEPAL
      Análisis de las propuestas de lineamiento para el Programa bienal de actividades de cooperación regional e internacional, 2012-2013
      Examen del temario provisional de la sexta reunión de la Conferencia Estadísticas de las Américas de la CEPAL
      Determinación de la fecha y el lugar de la sexta reunión de la Conferencia Estadística de las Américas de la CEPAL
  • Agreements (agenda item 8)

    11:15 to 12:15
  • Closure of the meeting

    12:15 to 12:30