Press Release
(4 August 2003) On the occasion of the Third Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series, nextFriday 8 August 2003 the former president of Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, will deliver a magisterial lecture entitled Beyond the economy: interactions between policy and economic development, at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
The lecture will begin at 11 am in the Raúl Prebisch Conference Room at the ECLAC building (Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile), where José Antonio Ocampo, ECLAC Executive Secretary, will welcome the former president.
Cardoso, one of the great intellectuals of Latin America, was President of Brazil for two consecutive periods, which he completed on 1 January of this year. He is a sociologist, with a doctorate in Political Sciences from the University of Sao Paulo and a post-graduate degree at the University of Paris' Laboratory of Industrial Sociology. Among his many academic activities, he has taught at the University of Sao Paulo, and done research at the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES), which forms part of ECLAC, the Latin American Social Science Faculty (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO), and the Economics Faculty at the University of Chile. He also taught in Buenos Aires, Mexico City and Paris.
In 2001, for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Raúl Prebisch, an Argentine economist considered amongECLAC's founders, this body created a Memorial Lecture Series bearing his name. From time to time, distinguished figures in Latin American and world economics, politics and social studies are invited to give magisterial lectures. The first Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series was exercised by Professor Celso Furtado and the second, in 2002, by the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics 2001, Joseph Stiglitz.
Once the conference is over, the Celso Furtado Room at ECLAC headquarters will be officially opened, in honour of this distinguished Brazilian economist. José Antonio Ocampo and Fernando Henrique Cardoso will speak to those present. Moreover, Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC Deputy Executive Secretary, will read a message sent by professor Furtado.
The magisterial lecture by Fernando Henrique Cardoso will be transmitted electronically over the ECLACwebsite (webcast), as a "video on demand".
The media are invited to attend the Third Raúl Prebisch Memorial Lecture Series.
To access the webcast, please visit the ECLAC website ( The Real Player programme is necessary to view the video (Version 8 or Real One). This free software takes some 20 minutes to download and can be obtained following this link.
For more information, please contact María Elisa Bernal, Special Assistant to the Secretariat of the Commission. Tel: (56-2) 210-2451/2297; e-mail: mbernal