At the thirteenth meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the CDCC held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago on 23-24 August 2007, delegates...
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The bursting of the property bubble – subprime mortgage crisis – in 2007 in the United
States has engendered panic, recession fears and...
The main purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze the contributions that publicprivate
partnerships and public policy have made in...
The main purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze the contributions that publicprivate
partnerships and public policy have made in...
The report The situation of youth in select Caribbean countries presents the preliminary findings of a joint regional study undertaken by the...
The importance of science and technology (S&T) in Small Island Developing States
(SIDS) is clearly articulated in Chapter XI, paragraphs...
This paper is to assist governments and other concerned parties in the subregion to identify, at the national and regional levels, already...
This survey provides an overview of the macroeconomic performance of countries of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) for...
This study provides an analysis of links between trade liberalisation, trade performance and competitiveness in the Caribbean. The study takes an...