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Showing 1 to 16 of 16 results in 1 pages.
28 de julho de 2020 | Outros eventos
The virtual seminar sought raise awareness on the Escazú Agreement and its synergies with the 2030 Agenda and other international processes, examine the role of the Judiciary in the implementation of environmental access rights and environmental protection and review the national and regional...
25 de julho de 2020 | Outros eventos
The virtual seminar sought to provide a general overview of the Escazú Agreement and its synergies with the 2030 Agenda and multilateral environmental agreements, as well as exchange views with the members of the National Workers Union in Saint Lucia to support the ratification process of the...
1 de abril de 2020 | Outros eventos
**** Event postponed **** Organized by the Government of Grenada and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the seminar aims to raise awareness on the Escazú Agreement and its synergies with the 2030 Agenda and other international processes, review the role of...
31 de março de 2020 | Outros eventos
**** Event postponed **** Organized by the Government of Grenada and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the seminar aims to raise awareness on the Escazú Agreement and its synergies with the 2030 Agenda and other international processes, examine the...
14 de agosto de 2019 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
The present workshop will seek to analyze how the Escazú Agreement contributes to the implementation of the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda in an effective and coherent manner in Guyana. To that end, it will specifically review key provisions of the Escazú Agreement and analyze national...
9 de agosto de 2019 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
La 13a Cumbre de Jóvenes Ambientales del Caribe (CYEN) tendrá lugar entre el 9 y el 13 de agosto de 2019 en Georgetown, Guyana, bajo el lema "Fortaleciendo la resiliencia del Caribe mediante el involucramiento y la participación efectiva de los jóvenes."
23 de agosto de 2018 | Reuniones intergubernamentales
Organized by ECLAC, CARICOM and the OECS, the webinar aims to present the content of the Regional Agreement to Caribbean government delegates involved in the signature and ratification process and offer an opportunity to discuss queries with legal experts.
23 de junho de 2017 | Reuniones intergubernamentales
The objective of the workshop will be to raise awareness on environmental democracy and access rights as well as review the current Principle 10 negotiation process and build the capacities of government officials in Dominica in view of the future adoption of a regional agreement on this matter.
20 de junho de 2017 | Reuniones intergubernamentales
The objectives of the seminar are to raise awareness on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration and provide information on its implementation in the Caribbean sub-region; examine the steps required for its effective implementation into domestic laws, regulations and policies in Grenada, and discuss the...
31 de outubro de 2016 | Reuniones intergubernamentales