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Showing 61 to 73 of 73 results in 4 pages.
Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Castillo, Graciana del

The multidisciplinary peace-keeping and post-conflict peace-building (PCPB); operations of today have imposed on the United Nations a multifaceted...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Araújo, José Tavares de

This paper discusses the interplay between domestic policies and foreign interests under the institutional framework to be administered by'...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Hopenhayn, Benjamín

This article explores the causes, consequences, magnitude and forms of a phenomenon which is of fundamental importance in the current scene and...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Moguillansky, Graciela

The region's changeover from a shortage of external funds to a relatively plentiful supply of such resources at a time when an effort is...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Gligo, Nicolo

Most studies of the region's economy say little or nothing about the status of its environment and natural resources; few references are made...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Dirven, Martine

The greater openness to the outside world exhibited today by rural, peasant and indigenous groups is particularly notable among the young people...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Bielschowsky, Ricardo
  • Stumpo, Giovanni

The central focus of this article is on the role played by transnational corporations in the industrial realignment of Argentina, Brazil, Chile...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Kuri Gaytán, Armando

Dedicated to Fernando Fajnzylber, In memoriam
This article analyses the approach which ECLAC has taken to the subject of technology. In this...

Publication cover
febrero 1995 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadística

En el presente Cuaderno Estadístico se han
seleccionado las encuestas de presupuestos familiares
levantadas en 13 países de la región...

Publication cover
febrero 1995 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadística

El Cuaderno estadístico que se presenta a continuación contiene información sobre las exportaciones e
importaciones de los principales...

Publication cover
Enero 1995 |

En el presente boletín se publica la población de cada uno de los 20 países de América Latina por sexo, edades simples de 0 a 84 años y por años...