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Showing 1 to 20 of 20 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
octubre 2023 |
  • Núñez, Georgina
  • Velloso, Helvia
  • Lehuedé, Héctor
  • Da Silva, Filipe
  • Poveda, Laura

The purpose of this study is twofold: (i) to examine the relationship between investments in environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities...

Publication cover
Enero 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The economies of the subregion were hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly those dependent on tourism. As a result, the Caribbean has...

Publication cover
diciembre 2021 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Declining economic growth and competitiveness, the impact of the 2007–2009 global financial crisis, and the challenge of climate change and...

Publication cover
mayo 2021 |

The United States economy contracted by 3.5% in 2020 —the worst performance since the Second World War— but is currently expected to grow by an...

Publication cover
diciembre 2020 |
  • Pérez Caldentey, Esteban
  • Rojas Rodríguez, Leonardo

According to the balance-of-payments constrained growth model, an expansion of aggregate domestic demand is effective in increasing the long-run...

Publication cover
mayo 2019 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

The U.S. debt burden became heavier as a result of the unprecedented policy response to the global financial crisis and economic recession, and it...

Publication cover
diciembre 2017 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

The total amount of debt issued by LAC borrowers from January to November 2017 reached US$ 138 billion, the highest annual amount ever issued in...

Publication cover
diciembre 2014 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

United States Trade Developments 2013-2014, is an annual report prepared by the ECLAC Washington Office. It provides an overview of the most...

Publication cover
junio 2013 |

This report presents the results of the second survey of multinational enterprises (MNEs) from Chile, carried out by the United Nations Economic...

Publication cover
Enero 2013 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington
Publication cover
mayo 2012 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

La presente publicación es una contribución de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y la Organización de los Estados...

Publication cover
julio 2010 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

Over the month of May there was a dramatic shift in the macroeconomic environment, with volatility and uncertainty increasing considerably....

Publication cover
julio 2007 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Central American countries and the Dominican Republic negotiated and ratified (with the exception of Costa Rica) a free trade agreement with the...

Publication cover
octubre 2006 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe
Publication cover
agosto 2006 |

Over the last three decades Argentina's real output underwent violent and with frequent fluctuations. Moreover, the trend growth rates also...

Publication cover
Enero 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The services sector has grown significantly in most countries and in the world economy as a whole. This has been observed in the progression...

Publication cover
noviembre 2001 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The evolution of trade and investment flows between the Caribbean and the rest of the western hemisphere has been influenced by...

Publication cover
marzo 1997 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Presents an overview of the status of trade liberalization in the countries of the ACS and concludes that most countries have...

Publication cover
septiembre 1995 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe