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Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results in 1 pages.
Publication cover
diciembre 2013 |
  • Casal, María del Pilar
  • Barham, Bradford L.

This article explores the connection between labour market segregation and
motherhood wage penalties in Argentina across the formal and...

Publication cover
agosto 2013 |
  • Barletta, Florencia
  • Pereira, Mariano
  • Yoguel, Gabriel
  • Robert, Verónica

This article examines the impact of organizational and absorptive capacities
and networking on the performance of Argentine software and IT...

Publication cover
agosto 2013 |
  • Bekerman, Marta
  • Dulcich, Federico

This study analyses how far the strong expansion of Argentine exports since
2003 has been due simply to favourable external conditions and...