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20 de abril de 2022 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
This is a breakout session for Caribbean youth that will take place during the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum held from 19 - 20 April 2022. We invite you to take part by registering and participating!
22 de marzo de 2022 | Otros eventos
The National Consultation aims at discussing the progress in formulating and implementing sustainable recovery plans in Trinidad and Tobago and receiving input and concrete recommendations on building back better and accelerating the implementation of the national development goals and the...
23 de febrero de 2022 | Otros eventos
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum will be held from 19 - 20 April 2022. We invite you to be a part of the preparatory process by participating in the Caribbean Youth Dialogues.
10 de diciembre de 2020 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
The purpose of the training is to reinforce participants’ knowledge of and capacity in the design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation frameworks by drawing on the knowledge and practical experience of experts in member States for the benefits of all participants.
3 de diciembre de 2019 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
Organized jointly by ECLAC and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat Regional Statistics with the collaboration of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).
18 de mayo de 2017 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
ECLAC Caribbean is organizing a one-day workshop to accelerate SDG Implementation in the Caribbean as an avenue to discuss practical steps towards establishing national institutional frameworks for SDG implementation in the Caribbean.
6 de diciembre de 2016 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
Countries in the subregion are set to meet to identify a set of core indicators, from among the global indicators for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),which the Caribbean would regard as essential to produce.
20 de marzo de 2013 | Reuniones intergubernamentales
Este taller regional, organizado por CEPAL, PNUMA, UNITAR y WRI-TAI, se realizó los días 16 y 17 de septiembre de 2013 en el Hotel Hyatt Regency Trinidad en Puerto España y fue dirigido a funcionarios de gobierno y representantes de la sociedad civil de países del Caribe que trabajan activamente en...