Countries in the region are experiencing a period of intense international migration. This occurrence implies enormous challenges for public policies and management of migration. Understanding international migration as an opportunity for development, allows us to address it in greater depth, placing people and their contribution to society and the economy at the center. Migration is a process that mobilizes the experiences, skills and talents of people seeking to improve their living conditions; therefore, it is a process that generates multiple benefits at various levels and in broad spheres. The report "On the contributions of migration to sustainable development: studies in selected countries" (2022) seeks to make visible the contributions that migrants are making to sustainable development in Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Costa Rica.
The Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Center (CELADE) - Population Division of ECLAC, has prepared graphs and charts and audiovisual materials with the main findings of the study in efforts to disseminate and raise awareness among a broad spectrum of target audiences regarding the contributions of international migration in the economic, demographic, social and cultural arenas. The aim is to assert, based on evidence, that migration is a beneficial process, which only comes to fruition when its principal actors have their rights protected. The challenge is to promote public policies which generate conditions for migration to be safe, orderly and regular, so that migrants can contribute with all their abilities and all their potential throughout the migration process.