Vendedor registration

The United Nations Global Marketplace - UNGM - is the common procurement portal of the United Nations system of organizations.

It brings together UN procurement staff and the vendor community. The United Nations represents a global market of over USD 15 billion annually for all types of products and services.

The UNGM acts as a single window, through which potential suppliers may register with the UN organizations using the UNGM as their vendor database. These organizations account for over 99% of the total UN procurement spent. The UNGM therefore provides an excellent springboard to introduce your products and services to many UN organizations, countries and regions by only completing one registration form.

The UNGM also enables vendors to keep abreast of upcoming tender notices. By subscribing to the Tender Alert Service, vendors can receive relevant business opportunities emailed directly. The UNGM facilitates the interchange of vendor information within the UN system as information is made available to all UN organizations. The UNGM also acts as an important procurement tool to shortlist suppliers for competitive bidding.

Kindly, complete your registration at the United Nations Global Marketplace.