Artificial intelligence readiness in the Caribbean: An exploratory review

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Artificial intelligence readiness in the Caribbean: An exploratory review

  • Publication corporate author (Institutional author): Wooding, Chaela
  • Physical Description: 56 pages
  • Publisher: ECLAC
  • UN Symbol (Signature): LC/CAR/TS.2024/8
  • Date: January 23, 2025

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The aim of this study is to consolidate the many sources of information on AI in the Caribbean, providing policymakers, academics and decision makers in the Caribbean AI space with a general overview of the AI landscape in the Caribbean, while making initial recommendations and suggesting areas for future research.
Given the pace at which the field of AI is developing, and how quickly AI tools have become generally available to the public, data and research on the impacts of AI and AI readiness are limited. This study is therefore not comprehensive in its assessment. As a desk study, the research material used is limited to online sources and what the authors have been able to gather from collaborators across the world. As such, there may be gaps that originate in the source material. This study will occasionally note where such gaps exist and may identify related areas for future research. It is expected that this would also serve as valuable information for policymakers, academic researchers and others seeking to navigate or further explore the Caribbean AI landscape.