Guidelines for preparing accessible documents of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): basic recommendations
Publication corporate author (Institutional author):
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Physical Description: 28 pages.
Publisher: ECLAC
UN Symbol (Signatura): LC/TS.2024/53
December 19, 2024
The United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy is the outcome of a process launched by the Secretary-General in April 2018 to strengthen system-wide accessibility for persons with disabilities and the mainstreaming of their rights. The Strategy includes a system-wide policy for the coming decade and aims to establish an institutional framework for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, among other international human rights instruments, and for the fulfilment of humanitarian and development commitments.
In that regard, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Disability Inclusion Strategy 2021–2025 (CEPALDIS) reflects the Commission’s commitment to the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy and supports its work on disability inclusion. CEPALDIS places persons with disabilities, as rights-holders, at the centre and embodies the Commission’s institutional commitment in three priority areas: (a) strategic planning and results-based management; (b) institutional commitment for the inclusion of disability in the pillars of the Commission’s work; and (c) organizational culture; with two cross-cutting themes— accessibility and the participation of persons with disabilities.
These guidelines contain a series of recommendations aimed at furthering the implementation of CEPALDIS and serve as a framework for all ECLAC divisions in the preparation of documents that are more accessible with no need for advanced technical knowledge.