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International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2024: Reconfiguration of global trade and options for regional recovery

Publication cover

International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2024: Reconfiguration of global trade and options for regional recovery

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 195 pages Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 2024 ECLAC symbol: LC/PUB.2024/16-P ISBN: 9789210032858


This edition of the International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean analyses how the complex global context, marked by increased protectionism, geopolitical tensions and shipping disruptions, is affecting the region’s international trade. It examines the role of international trade in regional food security —and the lack thereof, especially in the Caribbean— despite the region being the world’s leading net food exporter. It also analyses the role of modern services as a driver of exports. Recommendations for the development of modern services include reducing restrictions, harmonizing regulations, developing sectoral policies, advancing digital transformation and attracting foreign direct investment. The importance of productive integration cannot be overstated if the region is to strengthen food security, increase trade in modern services and, at the same time, improve the diversification of the region’s export basket.

Table of contents

Presentation .-- Executive summary .-- Chapter I. Weak recovery of both global and regional trade .-- Chapter II. The role of trade in the food security of Latin America and the Caribbean .-- Chapter III. The potential of services to boost regional exports .-- Tables.