A stock-flow ecological model for Central America

| Publication

A stock-flow ecological model for Central America

- Author:


Nalin, Lorenzo - Pérez Caldentey, Esteban - Rojas Rodríguez, Leonardo - Yajima, Giuliano -

- Physical description: páginas 7-35
- Publisher: ECLAC
- UN symbol (Signature): LC/PUB.2024/7-P
- Date: April 1, 2024



This article presents a stock-flow consistent model for the Central American economies. It is part of a project to develop a stock-flow consistent workhorse model applicable to different country cases in Latin America and the Caribbean. The model’s logical and behavioural relationships are based on a set of stylized facts characterizing the Central American economies. The model includes five institutional sectors (consumers, firms, the government, the central bank and the rest of the world). The five sectors trade in seven financial assets: (i) public debt issued in domestic and foreign currencies, (ii) private debt issued in domestic currency, (iii) debt issued by the rest of the world, (iv) bank loans to the private sector for investment and consumer credit, (v) government and private deposits, (vi) loans from the rest of the world borrowed by the domestic financial sector, and (vii) cash. Given the importance of climate-related effects for Central America, our stock-flow model includes an ecological module.