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Science, technology and innovation for sustainable and inclusive productive development: guidelines for 2024–2025

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Science, technology and innovation for sustainable and inclusive productive development: guidelines for 2024–2025

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 26 pages. Editorial: ECLAC Date: March 2024 ECLAC symbol: LC/CCITIC.4/3


The Conference on Science, Innovation and Information and Communications Technologies is a subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and, as such, is a permanent forum for policy and technical dialogue that convenes high-level authorities responsible for science, technology and innovation policies to coordinate action and share knowledge to improve the quality and effectiveness of policies in these areas. The workstreams and areas of cooperation of a regional agenda for 2024–2025 will be determined during this fourth meeting of the Conference. With a view to providing input to the discussion and laying the groundwork for the agenda, this document proposes four priority workstreams focused on intensifying and improving science, technology and innovation efforts within the framework of productive development policies: (i) science, technology and innovation instruments for sustainable and inclusive productive development; (ii) science, technology and innovation governance; (iii) science, technology and innovation with a territorial approach; and (iv) strategic sectoral and technological agendas.