Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean from the Perspective of National Transfer Accounts

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Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean from the Perspective of National Transfer Accounts

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Physical Description: 36 pages.

Publisher: PAHO

UN Symbol (Signatura): LC/TS.2023/53


December 15, 2023

ISBN: 9789275127254

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This report is the fruit of collaboration between the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). It describes ageing based on the socioeconomic profiles of older persons in the subregion, from the perspective of national transfer accounts.

The report analyses the profiles of labour income and consumption; the life cycle deficit; financing the system for older persons; the interactions between consumption, health, and population ageing; the economic support ratio; and public policies that provide transfers to older persons. It also explains how public transfers and accumulated assets are the main sources of financing for older persons, and how older persons often help to finance other groups of people through private transfers.

This publication provides evidence that draws attention to the importance of pension systems for the income of older persons, and to the low rates of social security contributions resulting from informal and precarious labour conditions, as well as the impact of non-contributory programmes.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Brief overview of demographic dependency
  • Socio-economic profiles from the perspective of national transfer accounts
  • Future challenges.