Financing for climate change mitigation in cities: statements made at the 2023 Ministerial Meeting of the Forum of Ministers and High-level Authorities on Housing and Urbanism in Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI)

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Financing for climate change mitigation in cities: statements made at the 2023 Ministerial Meeting of the Forum of Ministers and High-level Authorities on Housing and Urbanism in Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI)

Physical Description: 39 páginas

Publisher: ECLAC

UN Symbol (Signatura): LC/TS.2023/134


October 31, 2023

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This document is based on the contributions and presentations of the ministerial meeting of the Forum of Ministers and High-Level Authorities of Housing and Urbanism of Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI), organised by the Ministry of Territorial Development and Habitat of Argentina, which assumed the presidency of the Forum for the 2023 period. The meeting was held on 10 and 11 April 2023 at the Kirchner Cultural Centre, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires 28 member states attended the meeting along with representatives from ECLAC in its role as Technical Secretariat of MINURVI.

During this meeting, authorities, leaders, experts in housing and urbanism, and development banks convened with the aim of addressing the issue of financing for climate change mitigation in cities. Strategies and alternatives to address the housing deficit and promote the development of value chains related to construction and sustainable housing were also discussed.

The ministerial meeting provided an opportunity to discuss possible strategies for the creation of a green finance fund at the regional level. This fund would seek to expand the financing of projects and programmes with a significant impact on improving climate change resilience and/or reducing greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas.