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Technological evaluation of biotechnology capability in Amazon institutions

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Technological evaluation of biotechnology capability in Amazon institutions

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Sostenible y Asentamientos Humanos Physical Description: 51 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: March 2004 ECLAC symbol: LC/L.2086-P ISBN: 9211214386


The innovation cycle in Amazon countries is considered regarding the exploration of biodiversity biotechnological products, a system of technological evaluation and prospecting as initial activities in the innovation cycle is proposed. In this paper, it is assumed that biotechnology may be considered as a distinctive sector of National Innovation Systems in all Amazon countries and an important technology system to be explored. There are 304 biotechnology firms in Brazil, but only one in the Northern region, where the Brazilian Amazon lies. Many of these firms work with Amazon products. The data, however, indicate that the region itself is not prepared for the burden of exploring its own biodiversity and carrying out bioprospecting to a high level. Data from other countries indicate that the innovative activity is not growing and that Latin America as a whole is unprepared for the commercialisation of its biodiversity derived goods. In this paper we will examine the innovation cycle and where Technological evaluation and prospecting may help foster the activity in the region.