The Regional Coordination Mechanism for the Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy

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The Regional Coordination Mechanism for the Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy

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Physical Description: 20 páginas.

Publisher: ECLAC, Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean


June 1, 2006

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Table of contents

  • The Regional Coordination Mechanism. -- Shaping the Future of Social Protection. -- Social Security and Sustainable Social Development in the Caribbean. -- Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. -- Social Development Framework. -- CKMC Development Profiles. -- Twenty-first session of the CDCC. -- High level Ministerial Dialogue on Social Security and Sustainable Social Development in the Caribbean. -- Workshop on Caribbean SME's. -- Caribbean ICT Policy makers Seminar. -- Expert-group Meeting on the interrelationship between changing population dynamics and socio-economic development in the Caribbean sub-region. -- Recent Publications.

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Subregional Headquarters, Port of Spain