Brazil: the effects of COVID-19 and recovery

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Brazil: the effects of COVID-19 and recovery

  • Author:


    Bresser Pereira, Luiz Carlos -

  • Physical Description: páginas. 133-14
  • UN Symbol (Signature): LC/PUB.2021/4-P
  • Date: December 31, 2020

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This article analyses the effects of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on Brazil’s
population and economy, including its high mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants
and its slow stabilization. A brief comparison is made with what is happening in a
similar Latin American country, Argentina, where the results in terms of mortality per
100,000 inhabitants have been better, and in France, where the recovery has been
more robust. The article also assesses the efficiency of expenditures and notes that
the comparison is also not favourable for Brazil. Lastly, it addresses the problem of
financing and argues that only Argentina resorted to treasury bond purchases by the
central bank, the policy adopted in most rich countries that have their own currency
and central bank (which France does not have).