Economic Survey of the Caribbean 2018

| Publication

Economic Survey of the Caribbean 2018

  • Author:


    McLean, Sheldon -
    Alleyne, Dillon -
    Hendrickson, Michael -
    Pantin, Machel -
    Skerrette, Nyasha -
    Charles, Don -
    Oyolola, Maharouf -
    Tokuda, Hidenobu -

  • Physical Description: 58 páginas.
  • Publisher: ECLAC
  • UN Symbol (Signature): LC/CAR/TS.2018/5
  • Date: February 20, 2019

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The Economic Survey of the Caribbean 2018 analyses the performance of the Caribbean subregion to the global economy. It provides a comparative analysis of global economic growth, commodity price performance, Caribbean growth performance, and unemployment. This is then followed by a subsection on fiscal policy and public debt. Subsequent subsections elaborate on monetary policy, and the external sector. Section II presents country briefs for the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, together with the member states of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU). A statistical appendix follows to support the subregional analysis and country briefs.

Table of contents

  • Abstract
  • I. Subregional analysis and performance
  • II. Country briefs.